Treating & fostering horses, donkeys, camels, dogs & cats in Egypt. (PFK)

Treating & fostering horses, donkeys, camels, dogs & cats in Egypt. (PFK)

23  Teamers
783 € raccolto

Our work is based on the "pyramid horses" taking tourists on rides around the desert and working horses & donkeys used as transport for locals & to pull carts. Many of the horses are in very poor condition, with no access to veterinary care. The uprising in 2011 caused a dramatic drop in tourism, & thus affected the income of local horse owners. We provide free care & treatment & educate owners to improve the lives of owners and equids. We also rescue cats, dogs, camels & any animals in need.

Progetto che sosteniamo

PFK sling


Sling as per posts

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Progressi del Gruppo

ELizabeth Burgess
ELizabeth Burgess
Teaming Manager

08/04/2019 15:04 h

Thank you so much for joining our team supporting Prince Fluffy Kareem in Cairo. There are 29 of us in the team so far and 27 Euros in the pot after our first collection date. We are collecting funds for a sling for use by patients who are too weak to support themselves. There is already a fund for this, but it has never been completed so seems like a great goal for us to aim for! We need approximately £1500 to complete the fund, obviously the number of Euros required will depend where we buy the sling and how many months it takes to get to our total! Please share our teaming group to people in your contacts list. We need to get lots of us on board, and for 1 Euro a month its very accessible for all :) If we can all convince one person to join then we will at least double our contribution next month. Thanks again for joining and sharing. Liz x

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ELizabeth Burgess
ELizabeth Burgess
Teaming Manager

04/01/2020 22:00 h


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ELizabeth Burgess
ELizabeth Burgess
Teaming Manager

11/06/2019 22:15 h

Wow we have some new members in the team! Thank you so much for joining us and for helping raise funds towards the equine sling that will be so important to the work of PFK in Cairo.
Please keep sharing the group so that we can increase our team members.
Any problems please drop me a line.
Thanks again

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Totale raccolto:
783 €
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783 €
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