Toni Collard

Toni Collard

Almería, Spanien

Teamer in 3 Gruppen

Seit 03-07-2016 gespendet: 107 €

Mitglied in folgenden Gruppen


13.546 € Gespendet

113 Teamer

Teamer seit:  08/07/2016

Forgotten Oldies

Operation Great Escape or Saving the Forgotten. Is run entirely by volunteers, with dogs, cats and other animals at Andrea Johnson's home or in local foster homes, or occasionally in paid residence. Andrea is helped by her children. Every animal saved makes a difference. Our first dogs saved were from perreras (pounds) in Northern Spain, since then we have taken on injured street dogs, dogs whose owners have died, and abandoned dogs. We are based in Alhaurin el Torre, Malaga.

808 € Gespendet

3 Teamer

Teamer seit:  10/07/2016

Almeria Perrera Dogs

This group is organised by volunteers who seek to save the lives of dogs in urgent need - whether ill, terrified, or on death row in Almeria Perrera. The Pererra is run by local authorities, and when it is full the animals are sacrificed. We try to find rescue spaces and adoptions for all the dogs and raise money to take dogs out who very sadly and through no fault of their own find themselves in urgent need at the Perrera in Almeria.

1.215 € Gespendet

6 Teamer

Teamer seit:  02/04/2017

Pepi's Refuge

Pepi's refuge in Pedrera, Seville, Spain was founded in June 2005 by Alan and Jane Since then they have given shelter to hundreds of dogs. For them it's a labour of love and dedication. They started taking dogs in, when they found close by their home a poor dog hanging in a tree, the dog had been "put down" in what seems a most cruel and callous way. Pepi's survive on fundraising and donations alone. So they need every Euro raised to feed and care for the 80 dogs currently at the refuge.