Tiny Shelter recebeu esse nome por causa do tamanho. Isabel Searle e seu exército de defensores dos animais resgatam animais de todo o Algarve, mas principalmente de Albufeira e arredores. A maioria deles está em um estado desesperado, por negligência, abuso, fome ou doenças. Uma vez resgatados, são imediatamente tratados e movidos para o abrigo para se recuperar e cuidar de uma maneira puramente voluntária. Então nos ajude a ajudá-los! Obrigado
We use the money for necessary and important medical treatment and food for all the dogs in our shelter we rescued abandoned, mistreated, chained or strayed. We not only feed and provide the shelter dogs with medication and parasite defense but also give food, spot ons and deworming pills to poor owners and to street dogs. So we need every Euro to help! As you know, funds are transferred through a personal account because we are a group of individuals and no association!
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Proteção animal
Teaming Manager
29/12/2024 10:58 h
Dear Tiny Shelter friends,
unfortunately we have to close this teaming group and way of donation due to loosing our teaming manager.
Please support us and the dogs also in the future through our Facebook account and website .
Many thanks for your support here on teaming.
Liebe Tiny Shelter Freunde,
leider müssen wir diese Teaming Gruppe und Weg der Spende schließen, da wir unsere Teaming Managerin verloren haben.
Bitte unterstützt uns und die Hunde auch weiterhin über unseren Facebook Account und unsere Website .
Vielen Dank für Eure Unterstützung hier auf Teaming.
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