Tenerife Horse Rescue

Tenerife Horse Rescue

23  Teamers
735 € gesammelt

we are building a horse rescue from scratch, founded in late 2018, specialise in rescuing and rehabilitating horses in a relaxed way in a natural and safe environment for Barefoot Equines to live the remainder of their lives happily. Not only horses, we have a huge array of animals all rescued. Guinea pigs, goats, dogs etc look on our website for more info. We have not received any grants or help and rely on donations to keep expanding and taking care of the animals we already have (over 250.)

Empfänger und Zweck unserer Spenden:

horse holidays tenerife animal rescue

horse holidays tenerife animal rescue

A very new animal rescue in Tenerife. We need your help to try and build a safe environment to rescue and offer a forever home to as many animals as possible. A self funded project by us, a young couple with a passion for animal welfare. We hope to create a self sufficient animal rescue by opening as a petting farm and in the future holidays in our cave house on site. the project is entirely non profit we just need to pay off our loan and then every penny goes to rescuing and feeding the animals

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Bis heute haben wir gesammelt:
735 €
Wir haben bisher bereits gespendet:
344 €
Wir werden spenden:
391 €
Beitragshistorie sehen


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Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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