Teaming for Libby at 112 Carlota Galgos

Teaming for Libby at 112 Carlota Galgos

3  Teamers
124 € recaudados

This girl has been like this for over a month, and she is struggling to breathe because of the swellings in her head. She was saved by SOS Rescue, and it took them 24 hours to save he. She needs a lot of clinical care, wich will be very expensive.  Please help 112 Carlota Galgo helping this poor girl, so she can recover and live a life in freedom.

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Teaming for Libby at 112 Carlota Galgos

The galga who was hanged

To help her recover so she can live a life in freedom and feel love. She deserves it. Please help Charlotte Del Rio to help Libby.

Publicado el


Galgo Danmark
Teaming Manager

09/01/2021 15:08 h

At Dia del galgo we will trnsfer the collected funds to 112 carlota galgo. We dont want to collect any more money, so i will ask all of you to please disconnect with this teaming. stop transfering. This teaminggroup will be cancelled as soon as the funds has been transfered to 112CG.

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Galgo Danmark
Teaming Manager

16/01/2020 19:47 h

Thank you for supporting <3

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
124 €
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