Tianjin Animal Safe Haven (TASH)

Tianjin Animal Safe Haven (TASH)

18  Teamers
1.334 € raccolto

We are a group of volunteers dedicated to helping the rescuer Madam Yang who runs a shelter in Tianjin, China which houses cats and dogs saved from the horrendous meat trade

Progetto che sosteniamo

Tianjin Animal Safe Haven (TASH)

Yang Xiao Yun

Yang Xiao Yun affectionately know in the West as Madam Yang has saved hundreds of cats and dogs from the horrendous meat trade in China. All donations will be sent to her shelter to buy food for the animals in her care, veterinary visits, improvements to the shelter itself and any other items that benefit the cats and dogs welfare These items will include warm bedding, heating, paid workers etc. Invoices and receipts are posted on the Facebook page Friends of Yang for public viewing.

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Ultimo commento

dr b bresard
dr b bresard

22/02/2020 11:48 h

AUCUNE NOUVELLE DE Mrs YANG DEPUIS DES MOIS. Notamment en cette période cruciale pour les Sauveteurs Chinois. AUCUNE REPONSE AUX QUESTIONS. je quitte le groupe avec regret car Mme Yang est à soutenir absolument, dans la transparence.

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Cifra raccolta

Totale raccolto:
1.334 €
Fino ad ora abbiamo donato:
814 €
Cifra raccolta per il progetto
520 €
Elenco dei contributi


Data di pubblicazione

Tipo di gruppo

Difesa degli animali

Vivo in un altro paese

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