Susanne Ort


Teamer de 2 Groupes

Chaque mois il/elle apporte 2 € à 2 Groupes

Depuis le 11-09-2019 il/elle a donné 113 €

Groupes auxquels il/elle participe


3 536 € récoltés

72 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  11/09/2019

Associazione U.N.A. di Pontecagnano

The group U.N.A. Carmine Longo was created by Carmines father, who, as an act of remembrance, want to continue helping stray dogs, injured animals and find foster homes, after his pet-loving son died in a horrible motorcycle accident in 1997 while he tried to transport a dog to his forever-home.

4 669 € récoltés

212 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  23/10/2019

Asociatia Pro Animals Romania

* MAINTAINING A SHELTER of over 1500 homeless dogs in Tg-Jiu without any help from the authorities. * SPAYING & NEUTERING of pets and stray dogs to control the dog and cat populations. * EDUCATING CHILDREN to understand the importance to treat animals well * HELPING ANIMALS IN NEED in the area e.g. feeding stray dogs, rescuing abandoned & abused animals, filing animal cruelty reports to the police and promoting awareness on animal rights.