SIOP Europe - Childhood Cancer Donations

SIOP Europe - Childhood Cancer Donations

7  Teamers
55 € raccolto

SIOPE is the only pan-European organisation representing all professionals working in the field of childhood cancers. Did you know that one out of every 300 kids in Europe battles cancer before their 20th birthday? And every year, 6,000 young people in Europe lose their lives to cancer. Through the integration of research and education, SIOPE aims to: increase the cure rate and the quality of cure of children with cancer. Help us on our mission, so no child has to face cancer alone! ️

Progetto che sosteniamo

Education & Training in Paediatric Oncology


SIOP Europe acts as a catalyst to effectively promote and offer different types of education and training opportunities within the paediatric oncology community. These learning opportunities supported by SIOPE are of interest for health professionals, medical students and European parent and patient representatives (alongside CCI-Europe). Looking ahead, our aim is to expand our in-house training programs to cater specifically to nurses, palliative care professionals, young oncologists, and our continental colleagues from SIOP Africa. Join us in advancing education and training in the field of pediatric oncology. Help us on our mission, so no child has to face cancer alone! ️

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Cifra raccolta

Totale raccolto:
55 €
Elenco dei contributi


Data di pubblicazione

Creato da
SIOP Europe

Tipo di gruppo

Aiuto ai pazienti
Bambini e ragazzi


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