silvia roelfes


Teaming Manager de 1 Grupos

Teamer de 9 Grupos

Contribui mensalmente: 7 € para 7 Grupos/projetos sociais

Desde 17-05-2019 contribuiu 385 €

Grupos de que é líder


125 € Arrecadados

12 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  20/05/2019

Animals Care Foundation (ACF)

ACF is an animal shelter in Egypt, Cairo. Heidi Mohamed tries to help as many cats and dogs who were neglected and on the dangerous streets of Egypt. In Egypt there is little help for animals, only a few dedicated people help the strays.

Grupos de que participa


13 283 € Arrecadados

211 Teamers

Teamer desde:  17/05/2019

PRODEAN-Proderechos Animal Campo de Gibraltar

Asociación Pro-Derechos del Animal del Prodean Campo de Gibraltar carries with great effort the shelter of La Línea. They keep fighting to keep the Peter's idea of saving all possible animals. They have no government help and are supported by donations and adoptions. Maintenance, veterinary, medicine and worker expenses are very high. The friend associations in Germany and the Netherlands help the shelter. But there is always lack of everything. Help me help them!.

2 092 € Arrecadados

44 Teamers

Teamer desde:  20/05/2019

Cat Shelter Targu Mures, Romania

There are many cats and kittens in Targu Mures, Romania that desperately need help. Our small refuge has warm spaces for injured or pregnant cats or small abandoned kittens. We also spay street cats who can recover in the shelter. For many of these poor souls we find safe and loving homes! Please support us!

316 € Arrecadados

10 Teamers

Teamer desde:  20/05/2019

Patch of Heaven Animal Haven Our small cat shelter in Cyprus

To help us feed, medicate and shelter as many cats as we can. Our little haven's purpose is to offer home in a natural environment to neglected, abandoned, hungry, abused and sick or disabled cats. Help us care for those gracious felines that are made beggars because of human neglect and cruelty..

586 € Arrecadados

13 Teamers

Teamer desde:  20/05/2019

Hope For The Strays Rescue Cyprus

Hope For The Strays was founded in 2012. We started as a home rescue fostering and rehoming as many as we could. In 2017 we have established our own shelter in Kantou Limassol. Currently our shelter has around 300 dogs. We are committed to saving strays or abused dogs, unwanted neglected. We also rescue dogs from pounds that are on death row. If you wish to contact us please email us at :

1 408 € Arrecadados

18 Teamers

Teamer desde:  20/05/2019

Aider Hajar et les chats errants de Rabat

1 EURO PAR PERSONNE ET PAR MOIS : C'est quoi 1€ ??!! Je vous en prie si tout le monde s'inscrit, Hajar aurait l'assurance de pouvoir nourrir et soigner ses protégés tous les mois... Elle se bat quasi seule pour acheter, transporter et distribuer de la nourriture et des médicaments aux chats et chiens sur Rabat. Bien souvent, elle porte des charges très lourdes (nourritures, croquettes, eau) à pied car pas de véhicule personnel. Merci de tout cœur pour elle Un geste pour l'aider svp

7 034 € Arrecadados

95 Teamers

Teamer desde:  16/07/2020

Stichting Kattenbos

Stichting Kattenbos is een opvang voor katten die speciale zorg en aandacht nodig hebben . Katten met aids of leukemie , behoren o.a. tot de doelgroep en worden tot hun dood liefdevol verzorgt. Wij bestaan sinds 1993 , werken zonder subsidie en bestaan geheel uit vrijwilligers. Donaties gaan voor 100% naar de verzorging van de katten. De kosten zijn hoog want wij geven ieder kat de allerbeste zorg om hun leven zo aangenaam mogelijk te maken. Voor meer informatie :

3 868 € Arrecadados

143 Teamers

Teamer desde:  13/09/2021

Friends of George Stray Dogs

George Orfanidis has been rescuing animals in Crete, Greece for 25 years. He has around 120 dogs at his shelter. George often takes disabled animals or those requiring expensive surgery or with an ongoing need for medication for diseases such as leishmaniasis, who might otherwise struggle to find the safety of a shelter and are hard to find homes for. With George they find safety and love. We are on Facebook and Instagram Facebook link -

2 129 € Arrecadados

101 Teamers

Teamer desde:  18/01/2022

Jutta Shelter Animal Rescue

We are an animal shelter rescuing strays and abandoned animals in the island of Crete. We have been providing food, shelter, medical care, neutering and adoptions for almost 20 years. We currently care for around 200 dogs and 80 cats. We rely solely on donations and receive no government funding. You can follow our work and get to know our animals on both YouTube and Facebook, just search for Jutta shelter. Our motto is All animals deserve a beautiful life!

7 859 € Arrecadados

148 Teamers

Teamer desde:  30/03/2024

Stichting Zwerfkatten Havengebied IJmuiden

Stichting Zwerfkatten havengebied IJmuiden is een vrijwilligersorganisatie die meer dan 150 kansloze katten verzorgt. Met name in de haven van IJmuiden leven veel verwilderde zwerfkatten. Voornamelijk huiskatten die na trouwe dienst zijn afgedankt en gedumpt, omdat ze ziek, te veel of te duur werden. Op straat verwilderen deze katten snel, maar zonder hulp weten zij nauwelijks te overleven. In tegenstelling tot wat veel mensen denken is er geen vis te vinden; alle vis wordt op zee verwerkt en