Ria Nieuwenburg


Teamer de 3 Grups

Cada mes aporta 3 € a 3 Grups

Des del 05-08-2023 ha aportat 27 €

Grups on participa


2.124 € Recaptats

112 Teamers

Teamer des de:  05/08/2023

Irene op Kythira / Adopt a cat

my name is Irene and I live and work on the beautiful Greek island Kythira for 15 years now, here I take care of the stray cats of the island, I have developed a feeding station and placed 28 of them around the island, I feed about 700 cats and at my home I have a shelter for cats with handicaps, at the moment 40 cats, that for there own safety cannot live in the "wild" because they are blind, deaf, paralyzed etc. for more information visit the website or follow me on FB .. THANKS

514 € Recaptats

24 Teamers

Teamer des de:  05/08/2023

Skyros Stray Cats

I take care of controlling the population of the abandoned cats as well as taking care of sick or with emergency situation . The cats will get the veterinary care if needed. Trapping, Neutering with Returning and Feeding is done throughout the year but i do need your help. DON'T LET THEM STARVE ,HELP ME TO FEED THEM IN WINTERTIME! The cats will be eternally grateful if you help them!

378 € Recaptats

27 Teamers

Teamer des de:  17/11/2023

Catland Javea

We are building a shelter for cats and kittens that would otherwise be living on the streets. Catland Javea is an official non-profit association. We are working with a registered veterinarian under a full zoological license. Catland will offer shelter to a maximum of 120 cats at a time. Cats that can live as house pets, will be offered for rehoming. Those that cannot, will remain in the shelter under a no-kill policy. More information: catlandjavea.com