Rescue & Rehome Cyprus

Rescue & Rehome Cyprus

147  Teamers
6.474 € recaudados

With lots of dogs living in pounds/shelters/out on the streets, we at RnR help by rescuing & rehoming. Rescue & Rehome is a registered charity here in Cyprus. We advertise by way of social media, adoption forms are completed, home checks are done and when we get a perfect match vet preparation is done and flights are arranged. Please consider a Cyprus Rescue Dog...Adopt don't shop!!

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Rescue & Rehome Cyprus

Our dogs at RnR Cyprus

With lots of dogs living in pounds/shelters/out on the streets, we at RnR help by rescuing and rehoming. Rescue & Rehome is a registered charity here in Cyprus. We advertise by way of social media, adoption forms are completed, home checks are done and when we get a perfect match vet preparation is done and flights are arranged. Please consider a Cyprus Rescue Dog...Adopt dont shop!! Thank you for your support :-)

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
6.474 €
Ya hemos donado:
5.597 €
Vamos a donar:
877 €
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Fecha de publicación

Defensa de los animales


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