Phoenix Association France

Phoenix Association France

17  Teamers
166 € récoltés

Phoenix est une organisation à but non lucratif de sauvetage des animaux basée en France offrant des conseils, un sauvetage direct, une réhabilitation et un placement à tous les animaux, domestiques et autres. Établie depuis plus de 20 ans avec des membres et des adhérents du monde entier, l'association Phoenix reste attachée au bien-être animal et sauve des vies au quotidien. Association Phoenix – Les Fauges – 24380 Vergt – Association Loi 1901 – W243004670

Nous destinons notre collecte à :

Feral Cat Sterilisation Campaign

Phoenix Association France

Phoenix Association was founded by Sheelagh and Richard Johnson in 2001, with the aim to rescue and improve the lives of animals in France. Now in its third decade, Phoenix Association continues to actively rescue, rehabilitate and rehome animals in need. We are committed to the mission of feral cat sterilisation. The impact on wildlife and the food chain of uncontrolled feral cats is enormous with small mammal and bird populations severely affected. Constantly exposed to sexually transmitted diseases, raising repeated litters of kittens, fighting for survival their lives are brief and wretched. Our charity is inundated by unwanted kittens every year. It is our mission to support, sterilise and rerelease stray cats wherever their numbers are problematic, in league with 30Million DAmis, SOS Chats Libre, and other organisations with similar goals. Every Euro donated, will take us closer to our goal of a feral cat free France and help us continue to aid and support animals in need.

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Nous avons récolté à ce jour :
166 €
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Type de Groupe

Défense des animaux


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