Pfotenhilfe Naxos - Hilfe für die Tiere auf Naxos & in Serres/Griechenland

Pfotenhilfe Naxos - Hilfe für die Tiere auf Naxos & in Serres/Griechenland

43  Teamers
1.247 € gesammelt

Unser Ziel ist die Unterstützung der streunenden Hunde und Katzen auf der griechischen Insel Naxos sowie in Elenis Shelter auf dem griechischen Festland im Örtchen Serres. Wir sammeln Sach- und Futterspenden und schicken regelmäßig Paletten voll mit Futter und Hilfsgütern nach Naxos und nach Serres. Mit Geldspenden werden Tierarztkosten und u. a. Kastrationsprojekte unterstützt. Weitere Informationen findet Ihr unter sowie unter

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Reconstruction of Elenis shelter in Serres

Pfotenhilfe Naxos e.V.

In June 2023 a horrible hurricane almost completely destroyed Elenis shelter. The roofing and houses are mostly gone or damaged. Animals and humans are at the end of their tether. Eleni cannot rebuild the shelter alone and who knows what will happen to all the animals. The reconstruction costs about 10,000€, that means we urgently need donations. With the help of Veto, we could already contribute a large sum as well as pallets with donations in food and the financial support of the veterinary costs. We were able to already accomplish a big part, but we are still missing some roofs, so that the dogs are not exposed to the bad weather. Helping hands are also needed to help Eleni and her husband to finish the repairs.

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Dodo Kolbeck
Dodo Kolbeck

29/08/2022 13:53 h

The Naxos Animal Welfare Society (NAWS) is trying to unite the old and the new shelter. Some dogs need a “lobby” to their cage. This video shows the building a lobby, working in the heat under the sun with iron. The timelapse only shows the door, which is the last piece of work. Each lobby takes 2-3 hours to be completed.

Watch the video here:

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1.247 €
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774 €
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473 €
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