PEOPLE HELP Sandra Martinez

PEOPLE HELP Sandra Martinez

Barcelona, Espagne

Teaming Manager de 2 Groupes

Teamer de 1 Groupes

Chaque mois il/elle apporte 2 € à 2 Groupes

Depuis le 30-11-2023 il/elle a donné 27 €

Groupes qu'il/elle dirige


1 € récoltés

2 Teamers

Teaming Manager depuis :  30/11/2023

Becas escolares para refugiados menores afganos en Pakistan

Somos People Help una ONG que ayuda a los refugiados afganos. Muchos menores llevan desde antes de la pandemia sin poder asistir al colegio. Sus familias tuvieron que huir a Pakistán y mientras esperan a que las embajadas de terceros países les citen, los pequeños siguen sin poder escolarizarse, sin socializar y sin la oportunidad de seguir aprendiendo. Cada niño escolarizado cuesta 250€. Estamos acompañando a 40 niños (10.000€). Os pedimos vuestro apoyo. ¡Entre todos lo vamos a conseguir!

315 € récoltés

30 Teamers

Teaming Manager depuis :  19/12/2023

Scholarships for Afghan kids refugees in Pakistan

Afghan families threatened with death had to flee after the Taliban came to power. While they wait for an appointment at the embassies to be able to go to a safe country, their children are out of school and without being able to socialize , because they are not accepted by the public system. PH pays €260 per child enrolled in school per year (academic expenses in private schools and uniform), we want to help 50 children. Can you help us? We need €13,000 every year.

Groupes auxquels il/elle participe


76 € récoltés

7 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  29/02/2024

For women's rights where it's needed most: Afghanistan.

Ponts per la Pau is an NGO with a single goal: to fight for women's rights in Afghanistan. With a reach spanning three provinces, Ponts per la Pau, led by its president and founder, Nadia Ghulam, works to restore the most fundamental rights stolen from Afghan women. Through clandestine shelters hidden from the sight of the Taliban regime, we provide education, shelter and humanitarian aid to women so they can empower themselves and become agents of peace.