Patricia Moro

Madrid, Spagna

Teamer in 5 Gruppi

Da 04-11-2012 ha contribuito 571 €

Gruppi ai quali partecipo


56.693 € Totale raccolto

743 Teamer

Teamer da:  27/07/2014

La Gatoteca

ABRIGA is a national cat aid association, G86682937. We care for around 45-50 cats every day in our establishment, many of them with special needs, both for their daily care and for the veterinary tests they require to be healthy and adoptable. Thank you for supporting our project with that valuable euro!

95.598 € Totale raccolto

1.050 Teamer

Teamer da:  26/08/2014

Madrid Felina

MADRID FELINA es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro. Somos los que sabemos que Madrid está llena de gatos olvidados y gatos buscados, gatos maltratados y gatos perseguidos. Buscamos alcanzar un sueño: Crear un centro de acogida y recuperación para gatos de Madrid, donde puedan encontrar el refugio y la oportunidad que tantas veces no les brinda y procurar una ciudad, con gatos felices, salvados y serenos y en paz, con su hábitat y con los ciudadanos.

10.617 € Totale raccolto

93 Teamer

Teamer da:  02/09/2015

Voluntarios Refugio la Amistad

El Refugio La Amistad, no recibe ayudas institucionales y se encuentra enteramente gestionado por voluntarios. Este refugio es pequeño, sencillo y humilde pero con un gran equipo humano y un amor extremo hacia los animales. Tu aportación a este grupo será íntegramente destinada a los cuidados veterinarios que requieren nuestros peludos. Anímate a colaborar con nosotros ayudándoles a ellos.

11.394 € Totale raccolto

158 Teamer

Teamer da:  04/01/2017


In SOS FELINA FELINAE we have an URGENT problem and we need YOUR HELP. Shortly we have to leave the house for injured cats, sick people on the street and those waiting for adoption! We do not have where to put them! We need to guarantee an amount for a rental since we do not have economic resources. With only ONE EURO A MONTH you can be involved in its survival If we are many we will achieve it. Follow us on !!! Become a Teaming, help us! THANK YOU

3.354 € Totale raccolto

153 Teamer

Teamer da:  14/03/2023

Colonia de gatos cochera del metro

This is the largest feline colony in Madrid. It already has almost 100 cats, and it continues to grow, due to abandonments and because there are cats from other nearby colonies that stay there because they are well fed and welcomed. We have a lot of expenses on feed, sterilizations and veterinary, so Teaming is a great help to us. Please collaborate with us, together, we can do a lot.