Océ Ane


Teamer de 1 Grups

Cada mes aporta 1 € a 1 Grups

Des del 01-02-2018 ha aportat 73 €

Grups on participa


10.141 € Recaptats

131 Teamers

Teamer des de:  01/02/2018

Les Amis de Mademoiselle (LADM) non profit animal rescue organization

Protection, assistance, rescue of animals in distress. Assistance, humanitarian aid to the owners of animals in great difficulty or social distress. Exit animals threatened with euthanasia in the pounds. Refuse euthanasia of convenience in the individual. Investigative actions in case of ill-treatment. Advocate for more recognition of the rights and interests of animals. Veterinary care, placement in foster care or pension. Adoptions.