Nicole Stach

Nicole Stach


Teamer in 3 Gruppi

Dona ogni mese: 3 € a 3 Gruppi

Da 09-01-2021 ha contribuito 102 €

Gruppi ai quali partecipo


5.953 € Totale raccolto

201 Teamer

Teamer da:  09/01/2021

Zorro Dogsavior e.V.

We provide help for stranded dogs in northern Greece and we stand up for those who have no voice. Over 300 dogs need our help every month. We help where others look the other way. Every life is worth living and so we stand up for sick, old, disabled and unwanted dogs.

787 € Totale raccolto

23 Teamer

Teamer da:  09/01/2021

Zorro Dogsavior e.V. Tierhilfe für den Norden Griechenlands

Wir sind ein gemeinnütziger Verein, der es sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat die große Not von Straßentieren, speziell in Griechenland, zu lindern. Unser festes Team besteht aus vielen unterschiedlichen Menschen, die die Liebe zu den Tieren verbindet und die sich alle ehrenamtlich, hauptsächlich für den Norden Griechenlands, engagieren. Aber auch im deutschen Raum versuchen wir Tieren zu einem besseren Leben zu verhelfen. Viele Hunde stehen vor dem Winter und brauchen unsere Hilfe! Danke!!!!!

888 € Totale raccolto

56 Teamer

Teamer da:  23/10/2022

Hopeland Dog Sanctuary

Hopeland Dog Sanctuary provides a loving safe home for around 100 dogs until they can move to their forever homes. Whether small, large, young, old, disabled or heathy. - Every single dog gets a family here. Together with volunteers from all over the world, they live partly in a large house or they live in outdoor enclosures with several hectares space to play during the day. The shelter is located near Thessaloniki in Greece, where many stray dogs need help. We would appreciate your support!