Nick Moore

Alicante, Spanien

Teaming-Manager von 1 Gruppen

Teamer in 6 Gruppen

Spendet jeden Monat: 7 € für 7 Gruppen

Seit 07-11-2012 gespendet: 1.326 €

Teaming-Manager in folgenden Gruppen


8.130 € Gespendet

99 Teamer

Teaming-Manager seit:   09/05/2013

ASOKA ORIHUELA Help the dogs and cats.

Animal rescue in Orihuela. This TEAMING group raises funds for ASOKA Orihuela. Over the years the donations have helped buy collars and leads, food, surgery bills, transport costs and medication. The funds are vital and have made such a difference to our rescue work. Please add your ONE EURO a month, it really makes a difference. Our website is:

Mitglied in folgenden Gruppen


1.629 € Gespendet

11 Teamer

Teamer seit:  07/08/2016

Tranquila para Animales

Animal rescue, I rescue Dogs that are abandoned, and find them new homes. They nearly all come with health problems and the vet bills are horrendous. I struggle each month to pay for all the upkeep. If you could help it would take at least one worry off my mind. The Dog in the Photo is Pio, he came to me from that hell hole in Ourensa. I couldnt get near him when he came, gradually over the weeks, he learned to trust me. Look at him now. A smashing Lad. Thank you.

857 € Gespendet

9 Teamer

Teamer seit:  18/10/2020

"Solidarity Reaction" - NGO

We are a group of volunteers who have been "reacting" to poverty and supporting the homeless in the city of Alicante since 2013. The purpose of this group is to make the Association known and, with your help, to be able to support more families who have no resources.

464 € Gespendet

8 Teamer

Teamer seit:  09/05/2021


En Arco Iris atendemos a familias con peques TRANS+, a profes con alumnado LGBTI+, a clubes para sensibilizar sobre la diversidad en el deporte... Ahora queremos seguir cambiando el mundo y podemos hacerlo con tu apoyo para crear materiales educativos que visibilicen la diversidad LGBTI+ desde la etapa infantil hasta la adulta: Cuentos, libros, exposiciones, talleres y cursos online en video para alumnado, profes y familias...

21.065 € Gespendet

218 Teamer

Teamer seit:  22/10/2021

1+1=11 Bodhitree school

Diese Gruppe wurde von Monika gegruendet, um die Schule mit mittlerweile 700 Kindern zu unterstuetzen und deren Bildung abzusichern. Unser Traumziel ist es mindestens 3000 Teamer zu bekommen, womit wir eine monatliche finanzielle Basis schaffen wuerden. Als Teamer kannst du mit dem Wert von einem Kaffee weniger im Monat dazu beitragen, den Kindern aus einer der niedrigsten Gesellschaftsschichten in Indien zu helfen und ihnen somit eine bessere Zukunft zu ermoeglichen.

495 € Gespendet

10 Teamer

Teamer seit:  20/02/2022

El Arca Sanctuary

We are a small family run sanctuary in Alicante, Spain. We are self funding and get no help from any official organisations. At the moment we have 25 dogs, 7chickens, 2 sheep, 4 pigs, 2 ducks and 2 geese. Thank you for helping us. We do not have a bank account because it costs 96€ a year so the money will be sent to the account of the president and secretary of El Arca Dees

5.615 € Gespendet

81 Teamer

Teamer seit:  27/09/2024


Queremos hacerle a los animales unos patios dignos, grandes, espaciosos y divertidos donde puedan salir y correr, en definitiva, ser felices el rato que están fuera de sus jaulas y de su vida de encierro. Tenemos un terreno amplio desaprovechado y queremos vallarlo y ponerle piscinitas, obstáculos, juegos, etc para que corran y sean felices. ¿nos ayudas?