MoonAcre Sanctuary

MoonAcre Sanctuary

2  Teamers
139 € gesammelt

MoonAcre Sanctuary is a unique place where dogs, cats and horses that have experienced severe trauma are rescued, taken to a safe place and given all the care and love they need to find a new family. Today MoonAcre Sanctuary has 34 dogs, 17 cats and 15 horses. All of them need to be fed and have varying degrees of medical expenses. Every month the bills are getting harder to pay and the debts are piling up. MoonAcre family Sanctuary and the 66 animals it protects really need your help.

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Aider les animaux de MoonAcre Sanctuary

MoonAcre Sanctuary

MoonAcre est un sanctuaire qui prend en charge les animaux en détresse (animaux abandonnés, battus, handicapés...), leur offre tous les soins nécessaire à leur réhabilitation physique et mentale. Les animaux présent à MoonAcre sont de plus en plus nombreux et il est de plus en plus difficile de subvenir à leurs besoins... Ce groupe teaming a pour but dapporter une aide fixe au Sanctuaire tous les mois

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Romane Anselin
Romane Anselin

03/03/2022 10:07 h

All dogs and cats are in good physical condition and are available for adoption in all countries of the European Union. Unfortunately, many of the dogs still need the sanctuary's help, some of them for life, as they need very special care. If the sanctuary cannot survive, the future of the disabled dogs is very uncertain and worrying. It is vital that the sanctuary continues to provide the unique care they need.

Do not hesitate to go and have a look at their website :

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139 €
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