Mónica Bustos

Soria, Spagna

Teaming Manager di 2 Gruppi

Dona ogni mese: 2 € a 2 Gruppi

Da 04-09-2013 ha contribuito 156 €

Gruppi che amministra


34.010 € Totale raccolto

486 Teamer

Teaming Manager dal:   13/10/2016

Santuario Espíritu Libre

Santuario Espíritu Libre (Free Spirit Sanctuary) it's an antispecist refuge for animals who are consider as farm animals, being exploited, abused and abandoned, and who need a second chance to live and get over not only in physically but also in emotionally terms. We are emplaced on Soria, given the lack of a space in this area of ​​Spain for all these victims. www.santuarioespiritulibre.org

2.429 € Totale raccolto

72 Teamer

Teaming Manager dal:   20/01/2021

Espíritu Libre Animal Sanctuary [Veterinary Payments]

Group to cover all the veterinary expenses of the inhabitants of the sanctuary. We will allocate each euro to the needs and care of each animal, such as deworming, consultations, surgical interventions, vaccines, treatments, hospitalizations ... To ensure good health after surviving your terrible rescues. Your grain of sand is a great help for them!