Michele Soldano

Michele Soldano


Teaming Manager in 2 Groups

Teamer in 1 Groups

Contributes every month: €3 to 3 Groups

Since 23-04-2021 has contributed €42

Groups led


€337 Raised

8 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   23/04/2021

Il vaso di Sarepta OdV

Il vaso di Sarepta OdV is a voluntary association active in Turin since 2019. We have an active food support program, a service orientation desk, a second hospitality project and two social aggregation projects. More information about our activities is available on sit0 www.ilvasodisarepta.org

€4 Raised

4 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   04/08/2024


diecicentolab è una associazione il cui scopo è quello di favorire l'empowerment femminile tramite attività di aggregazione sartoriale, promuovere una società solidale e multiculturale in cui le donne, italiane e straniere, siano protagoniste dello sviluppo economico e della coesione sociale e siano riconosciute come risorsa positiva per tutta la comunità. diecicentolab è attiva a Torino. L'associazione si autofinanzia è ha bisogno del sostegno di tutte/i per proseguire il suo lavoro.

Groups supported


€5,543 Raised

194 Teamers

Teamer since:  03/01/2022


La Collina dei Conigli was founded in 2005 to give concrete help to animals. Our main project is the management of three rescue and rehabilitation centers, in Monza, Turin and Genoa, Italy, where rabbits, guinea pigs, rats and mice, which we save mainly from research laboratories and other dangerous conditions, are housed We do not receive any subsidies and the costs to house and take care of all these animals are high: only the continuous support of donors can help us keep these Centers running