Teaming Manager di 1 Gruppi
Teamer in 1 Gruppi
Dona ogni mese: 2 € a 2 Gruppi
Da 27-08-2019 ha contribuito 75 €
Teaming Manager dal: 31/08/2020
La Société Havraise de Protection des Animaux sauve des animaux depuis 1880 en Haute-Normandie au Havre. Indépendante de la SPA nationale, reconnue d’utilité publique elle accueille et fait adopter environ 700 chiens et chats par an. Elle ne vit quasiment que de dons. Toute aide est donc vitale pour qu'elle continue à sauver des animaux.
Teamer da: 03/12/2022
The ABACAN Food Bank is now addressing its help to national and international EMERGENCY SITUATIONS. Given the current crisis in Ukraine, we will allocate our donations there until the situation stabilizes. During the last two years (2020 and 2021) ABACAN has distributed 23 tons of food to animal shelters. We rescue mistreated animals and help people at risk of social exclusion. With €2 we buy 1kg of pet food. We are a Non Profit Organization. JOIN US!