Mandy Wache


Teamer de 1 Grups

Cada mes aporta 1 € a 1 Grups

Des del 25-11-2020 ha aportat 43 €

Grups on participa


2.757 € Recaptats

56 Teamers

Teamer des de:  25/11/2020

Freie Tierhilfe e.V.

We are a non-profit animal protection association based in 47533 Kleve, near the Netherlands. We have projects in Romania (Sibiu), Kuystendil (Bulgaria), ESMA in Cairo and Spain (Cantabria) and of course in DE. We support castration projects, help with TA costs and also mediate dogs in Germany. The castration projects are close to our hearts, which is why we would like to dedicate this group to castrations. Only castrations can prevent suffering.