Magdalena Nájera Martínez

Teamer in 15 Groups

Groups supported


€6,894 Raised

55 Teamers

Teamer since:  29/11/2014

Mininos Parc Bit Mallorca

We are a team of volunteers that takes care of the cat colony in Parc Bit in Mallorca. We feed, spay and neuter and try to find homes for the cats in the colony, we also take them to the vet if necessary. It's a TNR colony, legalized by Palma's City Council. We cover almost all costs ourselves, don't get public funding and count only on a few teamers and donors. Please consider to donate to our cause, so we can continue with our task. Contact us on Thanks!

€4,825 Raised

38 Teamers

Teamer since:  21/01/2015


Somos una asociación sin ánimo de lucro que se dedica al rescate y la protección de gatos en situación de abandono. La mayoría están enfermos y necesitan cuidados veterinarios y nosotras solas no podemos ofrontar los gastos. Donando un euro al mes nos ayudas a que podamos seguir alimentando y cuidando de todos esos gatitos que nos necesitan.

€4,061 Raised

52 Teamers

Teamer since:  30/05/2015

Colónia Hipódromo

We are trying to help feral cats, is for this reason we need yor help. We are not an association.

€711 Raised

12 Teamers

Teamer since:  10/11/2015

Los mininos de CALA PI en mallorca

Somos solo 2 chicas que nos ocupamos de una colonia de más de 120 gatos en Cala Pi (Mallorca) Los esterilizamos, cuidamos, alimentamos e intentamos dar el máximo en adopción. No tenemos ayuda de ninguna clase, solo nuestras tremendas ganas de lucha para dar una vida mejor a estos mininos que se lo merecen TODOS. Por favor, ayúdanos con vuestro granito de arena para que podamos seguir con este hermoso proyecto! Si quieres ayudarnos, contacto GRACIAS!!!!

€2,425 Raised

22 Teamers

Teamer since:  01/05/2016

Marta Ferra Gatitos Mallorca

We rescue homeless kitty cats in Mallorca. Actualmente llevamos 3 colonias de aproximadamente 250 gatos, más los que nos reportan. Objetivos castrar los gatitos abandonados, recoger a los bebes y encontrarles hogar. Tenemos gatitos que pasan por quirofanos, curaciones, alimentos especiales. Necesitamos ayuda para seguir adelante con este proyecto. Visita nuestro facebook y enamorate de lo que hacemos. Support us with your donation and help us to continue with our project.

€29,284 Raised

501 Teamers

Teamer since:  13/05/2016

TARDOR: Comedor Social- Llares INGE y KURT-Banco de Alimentos Familiar

We try to meet the vital needs of people living in extreme poverty.   At present hundreds of services are carried out daily in the Center and Social Dining Room and the Cas Vicari Family Assistance Center and Food Bank.   They are given shelter, breakfast, snacks, lunch, dinner, psychological attention, social technical attention, work orientation and a decent place where they can normalize their situation.   Tel. 637634232 - 610046105

€1,806 Raised

26 Teamers

Teamer since:  14/07/2016

Moixos de Puig de San Salvador

Somos una colonia de unos 20 gatos (entre adultos y bebés) que pese a que llevamos años "existiendo" ahora es cuando estamos siendo controlado y cuidados. Necesitamos nos ayuden para poder comer rico, desparasitarnos y crecer sanos. Estamos en Palma de Mallorca. La colonia se inició en 2016.

€1,070 Raised

8 Teamers

Teamer since:  29/08/2016


ASBAFI, Baleares. This association leads several cooperation projects for development in the Gambia. WOMEN GIO HELP: convert subsistence agriculture into agricultural production, engine of devtelopment and food security. THE BEEKEEPING local development engine. An office so that young people do not have to go to sea. BEEKEEPING FARM IN BEREFET. 13 November 2017, start of the beekeeping project. Funded by EWTA Dutch patents.MARAKISSA BEEKEEPING FARM. September 2015. Funded by EWTA

€10,095 Raised

139 Teamers

Teamer since:  20/09/2017

Un Hogar para los Mininos de Mallorca

Mi sueño, ofrecer un pequeño refugio de tránsito para estos grandes olvidados, nuestros gatos, hasta conseguirles un hogar responsable. Muchas veces estos preciosos felinos son considerados como plagas y tratados como tal. Mi objetivo: rescatarlos, recuperarlos, cuidarlos con las máximas garantías veterinarias y encontrarles fantásticas familias que concluyan mi esfuerzo POR y PARA ellos. Tienen tanto amor que ofrecer!!!

€1,471 Raised

12 Teamers

Teamer since:  11/01/2018


Pelu2 in Apuros is a page of diffusion destined to the help of the animals at Balearic level, but also we are dedicated to the control of street feline colonies. The objective of this teaming is to sterilize, feed and clean up these colonies. All proceeds is earmarked for food and veterinary costs. Many thanks to all those who have decided to help.

€284,133 Raised

4,675 Teamers

Teamer since:  23/05/2020

Animal Rescue Spain!

We rescue abandoned and mistreated animals all around Spain. With your support, all of us together can make this possible! Just 1 euro a month can help us a lot to make these animals' dreams come true!

€7,710 Raised

196 Teamers

Teamer since:  17/07/2020


We feed approximately 40 cats. We only have about 8 left to castrate, males. We would dedicate your help to food. We are not an association nor do we dedicate ourselves to this, but we cannot see how the cats that come to our farm to eat our cat's food die of hunger. We are very drowned, if you help us we can improve the lives of all of them. Thanks for reading. We are in LLucmajor (I. Balearics)

€20,038 Raised

167 Teamers

Teamer since:  07/09/2020

Sin Hogar Mallorca

Ayuda haciéndote teamer.

€2,874 Raised

90 Teamers

Teamer since:  22/04/2021

Veterinary expenses of Santuritos

Mother group: I have opened this group to be able to pay the bill at the vet. Every month if or if you have to visit it and as you all know, they are not cheap. Minimum each visit is € 70. So I would ask you to help me keep this debt up to date. Thank you very much for your contribution.

€262,696 Raised

11,835 Teamers

Teamer since:  16/09/2022

Los Centros de UAPO

Con esta aportación ayudas a que podamos equipar los nuevos centros UAPO que se vayan abriendo. En UAPO, los pacientes con cáncer pueden recibir tratamiento complementario e integral entre médico, fisioterapeuta, psicóloga, nutricionista y preparador físico de forma individualizada. ¡Vuestra ayuda es imprescindible! ¡Gracias! Whatsapp Nieves: 744476047