Ma GaDo


Teamer de 6 Grupos

Contribui mensalmente: 6 € para 6 Grupos/projetos sociais

Desde 15-04-2019 contribuiu 372 €

Grupos de que participa


8 442 € Arrecadados

276 Teamers

Teamer desde:  15/04/2019

Tierarztpatenschaften für Ein Zuhause für Tiere e.V.

Ein Zuhause für Tiere e.V. ist eine private Tierschutzinitiative von mir und meinem Mann. Wir teilen unser Haus mit 93 Katzen und 7 Hunden. Die meisten von ihnen sind chronisch krank oder behindert, andere wurden einfach entsorgt. Unser Projekt ist sozusagen ein Tierheim mit „Heimanschluss". Wir haben jeden Monat eine Tierarztrechnung von etwa 1.000€ und mehr zu begleichen. Mit einer Tierarztpatenschaft soll geholfen werden, die monatlichen Kosten für den Tierarzt zu begleichen.

33 240 € Arrecadados

853 Teamers

Teamer desde:  15/04/2019

Smeura - Tierhilfe Hoffnung helfen aufzuklären, Überpopulation durch Kastra

As per Guinnes Book of World Rekords the Smeura is bearing the mournful title of being the biggest animal shelter of the world. Around 5400 dogs and 600 puppies need around 2.7 tonnes food per day. The staff members are doing an inconceivable job - organizationally, physically and emotionally. Driving around with a castration van and pushing the clearing up of the locals. Every euro is needed. There are some pictures in the project description.

2 307 € Arrecadados

44 Teamers

Teamer desde:  15/04/2019

Cat Shelter Targu Mures, Romania

There are many cats and kittens in Targu Mures, Romania that desperately need help. Our small refuge has warm spaces for injured or pregnant cats or small abandoned kittens. We also spay street cats who can recover in the shelter. For many of these poor souls we find safe and loving homes! Please support us!

73 030 € Arrecadados

2 229 Teamers

Teamer desde:  29/05/2019

Kitten Safe House e.V.

Daniela Knezevic and Nadine Bartel lead the Kitten Safe House. They usually take on injured street cats, kitten thrown into the trash or abandoned cats. Try to look after them well and give them in good hands. They also look after feeding sites and catches the cats for castration. There are at least 60 cats in her house, all of whom need food, medicines, cat litter and medical care. This all costs money, you can help us to support Daniela and her crew!

3 432 € Arrecadados

95 Teamers

Teamer desde:  28/08/2019

Habitat Sanctuary NPCS

Tea Cup Rescue is now a registered non governmental, non profit charity civil society under the name of HABITAT SANCTUARY NPCS . A green, in a rural setting, species compliant save haven for cats, some dogs, small farm animals and injured wild life. Almost all of our animals have been either abandoned or injured in the area of Athens, rescued by people like yourself. We provide the after care of the rescue. Please show compassion in a country still needing reformation concerning animal welfare.

4 431 € Arrecadados

64 Teamers

Teamer desde:  20/11/2019

Tierschutz Auktionen

Wer will diese tolle Gruppe monatlich mit 1 Euro unterstützen? Das gesammelte Geld fliesst in den Notfall Pott wo Menschen geholfen wird die in eine finanzielle Notlage gekommen sind. Mach mit und werde Teil des ganzen