KeepCalm LoveCats

Barcelona, Espanya

Teamer de 9 Grups

Cada mes aporta 9 € a 9 Grups

Des del 22-01-2019 ha aportat 364 €

Grups on participa


39.486 € Recaptats

784 Teamers

Teamer des de:  22/01/2019

Apao Cat

Apao Cat es un santuari de gats on viuen gats minusvàlids, sense potetes, sense ulls, positius, no importa com siguin, nomes que necessitin un lloc on estiguin protegits i estimats. La majoria de gats que arriben al nostre santuari es queden per sempre, perquè no son gats sociables o perquè tenen malalties que els fan invisibles, per això el nostre propòsit es donar lis la millor vida possible.

20.462 € Recaptats

623 Teamers

Teamer des de:  08/01/2020

Almas Veganas Santuario Animal

Almas veganas Santuario Animal es una ong antiespecista, feminista y libertaria. Estamos recaudando para crear un Santuario, totalmente ecológico, con el mínimo impacto ambiental y respeto a la naturaleza. Rescatar animales considerados de granja, para darles una vida digna dentro de un espacio dónde poder recuperarse físicamente y emocionalmente, proporcionándoles alimentos, atención,cuidados veterinarios, tranquilidad y amor. Y desde el santuario concienciar sobre una vida ética.

36.827 € Recaptats

1.592 Teamers

Teamer des de:  01/09/2020

La Tropa de Isra

Hola Amigos!! Muchos ya me conocéis por mis casos, me he lanzado a crear este Teaming por petición de algunos de ustedes!! Como ya sabéis tengo muchos animales a mi cargo y yo solo no puedo, de ahí a animaros a todos que me echéis un cable para poder seguir ayudando a los peludos rescatados!! Millones de gracias y un fuerte abrazo a tod@s!!!

6.819 € Recaptats

147 Teamers

Teamer des de:  21/09/2020

Solidarity for the sanctuary of the collective 269 Liberation Animale

This teaming group financially supports the animals that have been released from exploitation, and that now live in various sanctuaries in Europe. Its other objective is to allow us to recreate a land of welcome and complicity, to bring back the animals with whom we lived and who were taken from us. We will not be able to achieve this goal without your help.

5.351 € Recaptats

295 Teamers

Teamer des de:  13/07/2022

Guarde felina de Mimo

Somos un grupo de voluntarios de Sevilla que nos dedicamos a ayudar a los más necesitados. Entre nuestras labores, hacemos: rescate de perrera, gatos en situación de abandono, gatos que hemos tenido que quitar custodia por maltrato animal, gatos que necesitan una acogida para pasar su tiempo hasta encontrar hogar y también nos encargamos de varias colonias propias. Por todo ello intentamos de esta buena forma buscar ayuda para los más necesitados.

27.020 € Recaptats

804 Teamers

Teamer des de:  20/10/2022

La Vida Color Frambuesa Animal Sanctuary

We are a multispecie animal refuge, we give home to more than 150 animals of 14 different species, all the animals who live here have come to us from abusive situations or because they had no other options. Our goal is that the animals that have arrived here have the best quality of life possible and with their stories people get to know them and understand that all lives matter.

40.380 € Recaptats

1.446 Teamers

Teamer des de:  16/12/2022

Liberty Soul Sanctuary

More than 200 animals need your help. We dream of a definitive place, large and equipped, to make a great step in the welfare of animals, a rescue center, a sanctuary-reserve in an environment as natural as possible where endangered and unrecoverable animals that would be slaughtered were or unprotected may have hectares away from hunting grounds and human activity. With a team of experienced caregivers, veterinarians and volunteers dedicated to this big family.

11.229 € Recaptats

247 Teamers

Teamer des de:  01/06/2023


Vegan activists group. We rescue non-human animals from all kinds of abuse, exploitation or situations that require it, whatever their species. We welcome, care, heal, and look for happy and responsible homes. We face all the expenses with our own means, since we do not obtain any subsidy from any institution. If you want to collaborate and help us continue saving lives, subscribe to our teaming account. By and for them.

2.813 € Recaptats

102 Teamers

Teamer des de:  20/08/2023

Proyecto Feel & Help

Hello teamers! We are a project dedicated to the protection of animal life. We started on this path in a particular way in 2012 and since 2020 as an association. We rescue animals from abandonment, mistreatment and danger. We manage feline colonies. We manage responsible adoptions. Your contribution will go to help us pay for veterinary expenses and food for our protégés. Thank you with all my heart for your solidarity and trust!