Katalin Olarreta

Regne Unit

Teamer de 3 Grups

Des del 18-05-2018 ha aportat 50 €

Grups on participa


227.288 € Recaptats

3.492 Teamers

Teamer des de:  06/06/2020

Open Arms

Open Arms obre els seus braços a les dones, homes, nens, nenes i a totes aquelles persones que fugen de l'horror, a la recerca d'una oportunitat. L'emergència humanitària en el Mediterrani no s'atura i la nostra missió és protegir la vida dels més vulnerables en la mar i en la terra. Treballar a les escoles els DDHH i l'empatia i denunciar totes les injustícies és la nostra missió també. De la teva mà podrem evitar més morts. Ens necessitem. Et necessiten.

150.600 € Recaptats

1.668 Teamers

Teamer des de:  06/06/2020

Welfare flats - Josep Carreras Leukaemia Foundation

Did you know that 5,000 people get sick with leukaemia each year in Spain, which is the most common childhood cancer, and that despite the progress made, we still lose one in four minors and half of adults? At the Josep Carreras Foundation we have been working for more than 30 years to make leukaemia a 100% curable disease, to find 100% compatible donors for everyone, and to make displaced patients feel at home. With your help, we are unstoppable.

985 € Recaptats

34 Teamers

Teamer des de:  13/01/2022


1 euro… What does it represent? What can you buy with 1 euro? A small bread… an espresso from the machine? But with 1 euro you can do so much more ... like saving cats or dogs thrown into the streets, who have only known difficult times and are so much happier in a forever home. This is the daily life of ResQstrays: we take these animals off the streets, reassure them, treat them, sterilize them and find a forever home. So donate 1 euro ... it’s not much, but it’s a lot for the animals in need!