Julia Trümpelmann


Teaming Manager di 1 Gruppi

Dona ogni mese: 1 € a 1 Gruppi

Da 28-04-2020 ha contribuito 57 €

Gruppi che amministra


3.351 € Totale raccolto

117 Teamer

Teaming Manager dal:   28/04/2020

Tiernothilfe Zweite Chance e.V.

We are a German animal welfare association that has taken care of the suffering and plight of Romanian street dogs around Bucharest. These souls would have no chance of a normal life without any help. Thus, captured, mistreated and/or injured dogs and cats live in our Romanian reception centre and are provided there by our Romanian animal rights activist, medically cared for and cared for until we have found a new, suitable and loving home for her.