José Antonio Díaz Alarcón

José Antonio Díaz Alarcón

Málaga, Espanya

Teamer de 3 Grups

Cada mes aporta 3 € a 3 Grups

Des del 28-04-2019 ha aportat 160 €

Grups on participa


51.647 € Recaptats

591 Teamers

Teamer des de:  28/04/2019

Tu euro salva chimpancés en África con el IJG

Founded by famous Dr. Jane Goodall (Messenger of Peace of the UN and Prince of Asturias Award), the IJG is a non-profit organization in the conservation, rescue and rehabilitation of orphan chimpanzees in Africa (visit Your euro will be transformed into needed food and medicine, and also into local employment and educational activities with the communities of Congo and Senegal. Each month, for the equivalent of a coffee, YOU can make a difference for many living beings...

71.490 € Recaptats

672 Teamers

Teamer des de:  25/05/2020

Animal Rescue Centre Every Horse in the World (Formerly Known as CYD)

Our animal rescue centre is one of a kind. We need your help to feed and take care of over 200 animals, including horses, dogs, cats, ferrets, tortoises, peacocks and chickens, that live in semi-freedom, as well as other animals in need of our urgent help. Smile with Us. Join our Family.

908 € Recaptats

17 Teamers

Teamer des de:  31/05/2020


ARRIBA LAS RAMAS es una asociación nacional con la finalidad de combatir el cambio climático reforestando con bosques autóctonos, espacios degradados por acción humana. Los bosques son capadores de CO2, emiten oxígeno, atraen la lluvia, fertilizan y sujetan el suelo. Dan alimento y cobijo a personas y animales. Además de crear paisaje. Ya llevamos 500 árboles plantados. Y tenemos otro grupo de nuestro proyecto EL BOSQUE DE EDILIO