jesus corredor curdi

jesus corredor curdi

Tarragona, Espanya

Teamer de 5 Grups

Cada mes aporta 5 € a 5 Grups

Des del 19-03-2013 ha aportat 497 €

Grups on participa


128.442 € Recaptats

509 Teamers

Teamer des de:  19/03/2013

Ricard Garcia

The proceeds from this group go to support medical care needed by Ricard García (Richi), diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of 5. Richi is currently 17 years old and lives with a long list of sequelae derived from more than 25 surgeries, radiation, and chemotherapy. His parents have created the Richi Childhood Cancer Foundation: - We encourage you to also support the Richi Foundation:

37.196 € Recaptats

514 Teamers

Teamer des de:  19/01/2016

Friends of the Ana Bella Foundation

The Ana Bella Foundation is a network of women survivors who help 2000 abused women a year to break the silence, reinsert into the labor market and recover their lives not as victims but as happy and victorious women. Thanks for joining our group, your monthly euro is transformed by our volunteers into Love in Action to help 20 women and their kids access to an independent house after the shelter.

5.655 € Recaptats

58 Teamers

Teamer des de:  18/06/2016

Together for HIV research in children

Every day, 500 children are born with HIV and there are already 2 million in the world. Most live in resource-limited countries where diagnosis and infection monitoring are a luxury. For the past 15 years, the EpiMolVIH research laboratory at the IRYCIS-Ramon y Cajal Hospital in Madrid has been working to improve HIV detection and facilitate access to diagnosis in vulnerable populations. Every little bit counts in the fight against pediatric HIV. Join and participate!

11.846 € Recaptats

127 Teamers

Teamer des de:  09/05/2017

Open Cultural Center (OCC)

OCC is a registered nonprofit organisation active in both Barcelona (Spain) and Polykastro (Greece), working towards the inclusion of refugees and migrants through educational and cultural activities. We work mainly with volunteers to offer language classes, technical workshops, sports activities, cultural events, and women and children’s support. At the same time, we work on an international level with many European partners to increase our social impact.

176.969 € Recaptats

2.552 Teamers

Teamer des de:  09/05/2017

Solidarios sin Fronteras. Water For Yemen

Donem AIGUA POTABLE a famílies al Iemen, desplaçades de les seves llars per la guerra de més de 8 anys. Yemen és la major emergència humanitària del planeta i peteix epidèmia de còlera i una mortalitat infantil esgarrifosa. Amb el teu EURO comprem i omplim DIPÒSITS D'AIGUA en camps de desplaçats i en escoles. Ja en tenim 50 en 4 camps i 5 escoles, i més de 9000 persenes tenen aigua. (800.000 litres/mes). El Iemen necessita més aigua! 1€ =101 litres al nord i 129 al sud. UNEIX-TE, ens faltes tu!