Irina's Sheltered Hearts Animal Rescue (Romania)

Irina's Sheltered Hearts Animal Rescue (Romania)

6  Teamers
413 € récoltés

Irina Neblea rescues sick, abandoned and vulnerable animals (mainly dogs, but also also cats, birds, horses, cows - any animal in need) in rural Romania. She is helped in their care by her mother, but does the majority of the rescue work herself. Irina has become proficient in animal nursing and first aid, and has brought many animals back from the brink of death to live happy lives in UK forever homes. All this takes money to achieve, and your euro will do great things in Irina's hands.

Nous destinons notre collecte à :

Irinas Sheltered Hearts Romanian Animal Rescue

Irina Neblea

Animals in Romania have neither the protection in law nor the high regard that they enjoy in other countries (ie the UK). Irina Neblea has dedicated her life to saving as many animals as possible from suffering. Money raised through teaming will be used for whatever the animals need most, for example food, vet care, neutering costs etc. Thank you so much to those who contribute, and if you are reading this I would urge you please to spare Irina the €1 per month. It will mean so much to the animals. Thank you,

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Nous avons récolté à ce jour :
413 €
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Défense des animaux


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