El pou dels desitjos - Malawi

El pou dels desitjos - Malawi

59  Teamers
5.420 € recaptats

L'aigua és vida! I a Malawi, Àfrica, aquest recurs tan valuós, sovint, és inassolible per a moltes de les persones que viuen als pobles. Això obliga a dones i nens a viatjar molts quilòmetres cada dia per arribar a la font d'aigua més propera. Amb aquest projecte, vull portar aigua als pobles llunyans de Malawi, un dels països més pobres del món, on viuen amb menys d'un dòlar al dia. La construcció d'un pou porta vida, salut i esperança! Cada gota d'1 € ho val! Gràcies!

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Il Pozzo dei Desideri - Malawi


Lacqua è vita! E in Malawi, Africa, questo bene prezioso è spesso irraggiungibile per le moltissime persone che vivono nei villaggi. Questo costringe donne e bambini a percorrere molti km al giorno per arrivare alla fonte dacqua più vicina. Il mio progetto vuole portare lacqua nei villaggi più remoti del Malawi, uno dei paesi più poveri del mondo, dove si vive con meno di un dollaro al giorno. La costruzione di un pozzo porta vita, salute e speranza! Ogni goccia da 1€ vale! Grazie

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Matteo Ferrari
Matteo Ferrari
Teaming Manager

23/05/2023 10:19 h

I had fun asking artificial intelligence to create an image with 30,000 people in a #Malawi village, around a well. This image came out of it.

It would be nice to put them all together live.

Yesterday, with the completion of the works in Malika, we completed the construction of our 59th water well and with it we exceeded the symbolic figure of 30,000 people to whom we have donated access to safe and clean water.
30,000 people to whom this human right had been denied.
And we look forward to bringing this right to 30,000 more and many more people.

Thanks to all of you who are making this possible.

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Matteo Ferrari
Matteo Ferrari
Teaming Manager

26/05/2019 09:33 h

In poche parole... Il Pozzo dei Desideri

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Matteo Ferrari
Matteo Ferrari
Teaming Manager

23/05/2018 12:36 h

here the place where actually one village takes the water to wash dishes, clothes and to irrigate.
In this village we'll build one water well in June!


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Hem recaptat fins avui:
5.420 €
Ja hem donat:
3.821 €
Anem a donar:
1.599 €
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Cooperació internacional
Infantesa i juventut
Diritti umani


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