I Am Children

I Am Children

26  Teamers
1.259 € gesammelt

This is a personal initiative to help the too many children in this world who are in need of safety, support, laughter and love. This team will be there for them. Sometimes that's fruit for the refugees' children in Greece, a hot meal on arrival, shoes, a baby carrier, and sometimes it's as simple as shampoo for kids that live in hiding in Dunkirk. As team manager I am in direct contact with the people that do the actual helping. Wanna help helping them help? Because children are ALWAYS innocent

Empfänger und Zweck unserer Spenden:

Transfering to the people helping the children

Children in need

We wil be transfering the money directly to the people that help handson

Veröffentlicht am


Bis heute haben wir gesammelt:
1.259 €
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