Hope 4 Strays

Hope 4 Strays

11  Teamers
430 € gesammelt

All over the world animals are abandoned and left to roam the streets. Hope 4 Strays is an organization entirely run by volunteers to help these animals with medical care, spaying and neutering, and finding them a loving new home. We work with local initiatives to help as many animals as we can. Every 35 teamers can feed 15 cats for a month, every 150 teamers we can make sure an animal is fully checked and cleaned by a vet. Will you join our team and give hope to strays?

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Hope 4 Strays

We're facing a challenging situation, and we are reaching out for your help. Our blind and disabled cats are in need of medical attention, and the bills are mounting. Donations are critical to help us keep up with the costs. We are aware it's a lot to ask, but we are in a difficult financial position and every contribution is incredibly valuable. If you or anyone you know could make a donation to support us, no matter how small, it would make a huge difference to our beloved feline companions. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this message, and for any assistance you can provide. With gratitude, Nathalie Hendriks Responsible for the well being of the animals at Hope 4 Paws Alanya Non Profit daughter of Hope 4 Strays

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Nathalie Hendriks
Nathalie Hendriks

14/03/2024 17:59 h

We're facing a challenging situation, and we are reaching out for your help. Our blind and disabled cats need medical attention, and the bills are mounting. Donations are critical to help us keep up with the costs.

We know it's a lot to ask, but we are in a difficult financial position and every contribution is precious. If you or anyone you know could donate to support us, no matter how small, it would make a huge difference to our beloved feline companions.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this message, and for any assistance you can provide.

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Bis heute haben wir gesammelt:
430 €
Wir haben bisher bereits gespendet:
180 €
Wir werden spenden:
250 €
Beitragshistorie sehen


Datum der Veröffentlichung

Art der Gruppe

animal rescue, non-profit organisation


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