Help Street Gatos

Help Street Gatos

1  Teamers
273 € gesammelt

We are a non-profit association located in Alcalá de Guadaíra, Andalucía and registered in the register of associations. Our mission is to manage and protect cat colonies in our city, spread the philosophy of sterilization and raise awareness against animal abandonment. We also rescue injured cats, treat them, cure them and, as far as possible, find them loving homes. The more we can raise on a regular basis the more cats we can help.

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help street gatos

pamela troy

Somos una asociación sin ánimo de lucro situada en Alcalá de Guadaíra, Andalucía e inscrita en el registro de asociaciones. Nuestra misión es gestionar y proteger colonias de gatos en nuestra cuidad, difundir la filosofía de esterilización y concienciar a la población contra el abandono animal. También rescatamos gatos heridos, los tratamos, los curamos y, en la medida de lo posible, les buscamos hogares cariñosos.

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Pamela Troy

17/08/2023 18:19 h

Lottie was another colony cat who we found injured as a result of being hit by a vehicle.
She was limping and in pain.
We took her to the vet and an X Ray revealed damage to the head of the femur bone which would need surgical intervention to repair.
We started a Whatssap group to raise funds for this and thanks to the contributions of many people she will hopefully be having her surgery next month.
For now she is safe with us.
Later we hope to be able to sterilise her and find her a good home as she really is a loving,friendly cat
who won't be going back to the hard life of the colony cats.
We always appreciate any help for the cats that we rescue and one way to do this is joining our
Teaming Group with a donation of 1 Euro a month. Together we can make things happen.

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Bis heute haben wir gesammelt:
273 €
Wir haben bisher bereits gespendet:
235 €
Wir werden spenden:
38 €
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