Help street cats Greece with Greek Cat Care Foundation!

Help street cats Greece with Greek Cat Care Foundation!

38  Teamers
2.301 € gesammelt

This group and our charity is dedicated, to helping street cats of Greece. Since 2017 we focus on the island of Lesvos, (from 2010- 2016 we set up help for street cats of Samos) We are 100 % volunteers, and we can only help the street cats with donations. With your donation of 1 euro, you can participate in helping the street cats by our sterilisations, emergency and, vet help, necessary care and a safe place for weak and wounded cats and kittens, providing food and shelter, saving lives.

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Help for street cats and kittens Lesvos

Greek Cat Care Foundation/ Stichting Kattenhulp Griekenland

The street cats of Lesvos, as in the whole of Greece, are in big need of help, and we need your help to help them. Thousands of them are struggling to survive, desperately looking for food and shelter. Many are wounded, sick or weak, many die on the streets. We help by sterilising as many as we can, provide them with food, help weak and sick cats and kittens with emergency aid, food, special food, love and warmth. Every euro we receive, goes directly into help, every euro matters! Thank you!

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Fortschritte der Gruppe

Iris Korfer
Iris Korfer

29/12/2022 20:41 h

All the help is possible only from donations
Some cats we could help this year thanks to you our supporters!
They say 'thank you'!

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Iris Korfer
Iris Korfer

29/12/2022 20:22 h

All the help is possible only from donations
Some cats we could help this year thanks to you our supporters!
They say 'thank you'!

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Bis heute haben wir gesammelt:
2.301 €
Wir haben bisher bereits gespendet:
2.185 €
Wir werden spenden:
116 €
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