Help Caki Bravo's dogs of Bosnia

Help Caki Bravo's dogs of Bosnia

1  Teamers
26 € gesammelt

Unfortunately Teaming are unable to transfer funds to a Bosnian bank account and there is no other bank account in Caki's name in another country ( obvously!) so it would be best if you could cancel your teaming donation to this group. thank you for wanting to help Caki. please could you now donate to him direct instead of through teaming. thank you. Jane x

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Feeding the strays

Caki Bravo

At this time of the year, there is snow on the ground in Sarejevo and temperatures are low. The dogs living peaceably on the streets struggle to find food and survive. Caki has regular feeding rounds and the dogs are so happy to see him. Every euro buys a little more food to keep them alive.

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Petra Bryce
Petra Bryce

06/06/2020 12:27 h

Hi Jane, thank you for starting this group. I got in touch with Caki through Facebook today and gave him the link so that he can post it in his Facebook feed to his supporters. Edina has offered to help explain if he has any questions. :)
Best regards, Petra

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26 €
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18 €
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8 €
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