Gonzalo Rodríguez Cerezo

Madrid, Espagne

Teamer de 4 Groupes

Chaque mois il/elle apporte 4 € à 4 Groupes

Depuis le 22-08-2014 il/elle a donné 472 €

Groupes auxquels il/elle participe


196 838 € récoltés

1 839 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  22/08/2014

Galgos 112

Galgos 112 es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro que se dedica al rescate y recuperación de galgos y podencos. Una vez rescatados los perros reciben el tratamiento veterinario necesario en cada caso y ya recuperados se entregan en adopción como animales de compañía. Galgos 112 no recibe subvenciones de ningún tipo. El 30% de los galgos y podencos rescatados por Galgos 112 llegan a la asociación en un estado crítico que requiere tratamientos especiales de larga duración y coste elevado.

47 349 € récoltés

546 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  22/08/2014


Sosgolden is a non-profit association created in 2007 with the sole purpose of helping and defending those who have no voice, our animals. We are a shelter dedicated to rescuing Golden and Labrador Retrievers in particular, but we welcome any dog that needs to be rescued. We have a group of wonderful volunteers and caregivers who look for families for our "stars" and with your help we can heal them and prepare them to be sponsored or adopted.

26 219 € récoltés

239 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  22/08/2014

Voluntarios protectora SPAC

We are a group of volunteers who try to help body and soul to the hairy of the SPAC Protector.

104 802 € récoltés

1 089 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  22/08/2014

Animal Shelter SVPAP

We help and keep safe around 150 animals (dogs and cats), whom were victims of abandonment and/or abuse. We provide them with shelter, food, veterinary care and lots, lots of love; we are their temporary family and home. We are a non-profit entity and, to be able to keep running all this, we need all the help we could get, ¡every grain of sand counts! https://svpap.org https://m.facebook.com/svpap/ https://instagram.com/svpapoficial?igshid=6iya8je549jk