Giovanna Rossi

Giovanna Rossi


Teamer in 4 Gruppen

Seit 01-03-2021 gespendet: 86 €

Mitglied in folgenden Gruppen


61.386 € Gespendet

715 Teamer

Teamer seit:  01/03/2021

Anime randagie di bovalino

This association is a NO PROFIT organisation which takes care of stray dogs in the “ Locride”. It is financially supported by private donations. Its mission is to rescue, feed and nurse the dogs it takes care of. Every dog is chipped and, after obligatory healthcare treatment, is shown off for adoption

13.213 € Gespendet

548 Teamer

Teamer seit:  30/06/2022

Quelli di nessuno di Tony e Laura

Two similar hearts: TONY VIOLA, a Calabrian volunteer active in the rescue of lost and hopeless souls, in the very sad reality of the south of today and LAURA GRANA, a life spent collecting needy animals as well as professional video maker and web designer. We decided to get involved, in order to help anyone's angels, the invisible souls, the last ones, who remain alone on the helpless road, abandoned to their inauspicious destiny.

2.074 € Gespendet

112 Teamer

Teamer seit:  16/10/2022

MICI dai una zampetta?

The group was created to raise funds for about seventy "I Ginetti" stray cats and 12 abandoned dogs, looked after for years, with love, by their mother Gloria. We are always in an emergency, the money for food and veterinary care is never enough. We need your support. Just 1 euro per month is enough ❤️

7.402 € Gespendet

393 Teamer

Teamer seit:  21/10/2022

Colonia Felina Brindisi Odv

Buongiorno amici siamo il Gigante e la Badante della Colonia Felina Brindisi, abbiamo creato questo gruppo Teaming a supporto economico per permettere a tutti coloro che vorranno aiutarci di poter contribuire anche con un solo Euro al mese. Il supporto servirà a garantire stallo, cure e assistenza continuativa a tutti i gatti che passeranno in stallo presso la nostra Colonia privata.