gaia donati

gaia donati


Teamer in 24 Groups

Contributes every month: €23 to 23 Groups

Since 11-11-2017 has contributed €654

Groups supported


€1,633 Raised

20 Teamers

Teamer since:  11/11/2017

usciti dalle perrera

salviamo cani in difficoltà nelle perrera spagnole ora in salvo hanno bisogno di sostegno per stalli staffette medicine finché non verranno adottati grazie chi ci aiuta e chi ci aiuterà a mantenere questi angeli in salvo.

€14,234 Raised

458 Teamers

Teamer since:  25/06/2018

Prijedor Emergency - daily food for dogs in shelter in Bosnia

We created this group to build a base of donations in order to guarantee daily food to the 500 dogs that live in our sanctuary in Prijedor, (BIH). Our dogs eat almost 6 tons of dry and canned food per day and the cost is 9000 Euros per month. With this group we want to show that difference can made by a single Euro per month. If many people join we can do much for the dogs we saved. Prijedor Emergency is a ONG helping bosnian dogs from italy. Please Share

€1,071 Raised

14 Teamers

Teamer since:  01/08/2018

Ayuda animales abandonados en jerez

Hola! Soy una voluntaria que ayudo a sacar perros de zoosanitario y de las calles d jerez para buscarles adopción. Con ayuda económica d personas como tú puedo sufragar los gastos veterinarios de todos ellos!! Por favor 1€ al mes no nos supone nada a ninguno, y juntos haríamos cosas preciosas!! Gracias de antemano

€292 Raised

3 Teamers

Teamer since:  12/03/2020

Niños Refugiados Iraquíes y Sirios en Líbano

La guerra de Irak y Siria ha desplazado mucha gente y uno de los primeros países donde se refugian es el Líbano, pero no es el mejor sitio pues hay muchos problemas. Los niños son los más desprotegidos. Muchos trabajan pidiendo o en fábricas (14 horas al día por 100$ al mes y se ven niños de 10 años en este régimen). Hay mafias que los utilizan y no van al colegio. Nos unimos voluntarios para darles de comer y educarlos con actividades. Sólo no llegamos a obtener todos los fondos necesarios.

€1,082 Raised

54 Teamers

Teamer since:  13/03/2020


4ZRA ( NPO) rescue working with the most severe cases of abuse and neglect amongst companion animals •ADOPT •FOSTER •SPAY/NEUTER •DONATE

€136 Raised

3 Teamers

Teamer since:  13/03/2020

Help stray dogs of the city of Lezha, Albania!

PLEASE HELP US TO PUT FORWARD OUR MISSION !!! We are two volunteers who live in Italy and with many sacrifices we try to save and help more defenseless souls in the city of Alessio in Albania. We try to feed, cure, sterilize, vaccinate and adopt as many stray as possible from that hell for animals. YOUR EURO CAN MAKE THE DIFFERENCE FOR THEM EVEN IT DOESN'T LOOK A LOT!!!! With love Arta&Max.

€2,249 Raised

57 Teamers

Teamer since:  26/05/2020

Pro Qen Albania

We help since 6 years local activists in the region of Shkoder, Northern Albania, to raise awareness in pet keeping, to change politics concerning animal welfare, to find organizations who help with spaying and neutering campaigns (CNVR),to deal with everyday emergencies concerning street dogs and cats,to educate be giving good examples. By doing this we hope to build a solid ground so that the activists can continue with this concept in long terms. We are just a few people and need Your HELP.

€2,106 Raised

41 Teamers

Teamer since:  26/05/2020

Animal Rescue Albania ARSA

The purpose of Animal Rescue is to defend animal rights through rescuing, raising awareness, education, lobbying and activism. The animals we rescue are always the most difficult cases. We don't give up on our rescues. We make sure they get the best care and try the hardest to find adoptive homes or fostering. Most animals are adopted abroad through a strict adoption screening and a follow up process. We believe the stray population can only be fully controlled by spaying/neutering.

€107 Raised

2 Teamers

Teamer since:  18/06/2020


Action Project Animal è un associazione di volontariato riconosciuta a livello internazionale. Da anni è in prima linea per salvare Cani dal festival di Yulin e in altri posti dell’Asia, dove per credenze anacroniste i cani vengono rubati alle loro famiglie, torturati ed infine mangiati. I cani salvati vengono portati nel nostro rifugio nel nord della Cina, curati, muniti di documenti trasportati in Europa, dove troveranno un amorevole famiglia che li amerà per tutta la vita.

€177 Raised

4 Teamers

Teamer since:  20/06/2020

Animal and Environment Association - Bethlehem Palestine

The group supports an association in Bethlehem that takes care of saving and sheltering stray dogs and cats and making environmental education in schools The shelter is on a land on loan and is small to accommodate animals, and often lack light and water. The project is to buy a land to build a safer and bigger shelter and give them the chance to have a space in which to be free. To learn more visit

€335 Raised

5 Teamers

Teamer since:  20/06/2020

Proyecto PalSpain

Proyecto de cooperación que comenzó en 2014, gracias a la colaboración entre un equipo de estudiantes de medicina españoles y palestinos. El principal objetivo es sensibilizar a la sociedad española de la situación actual en los territorios ocupados y del conflicto palestino-israelí. Con este propósito, viajamos todos los veranos a Cisjordania, donde trabajamos, sobre todo, con niños y refugiados, por ser los grupos más vulnerables. Buscamos financiación para asistir este verano.

€577 Raised

4 Teamers

Teamer since:  20/06/2020

Persones amigues de Pau Sempre

Llibertat, justícia i igualtat. Pau Sempre som una associació que treballem la solidaritat entre els pobles, la resolució de conflictes i la cultura de la pau mitjançant la sensibilització, el coneixement crític i la cooperació. Especialment entre la població catalana i la palestina. Teni un projecte de reconstrucció de cases a Jerusalem Est, col·laboració amb cases d'acollida per dones que pateixen violència a Betlem i Nablus, i un intercanvi d'audiovisuals amb joves d'Hebrón.

€196 Raised

7 Teamers

Teamer since:  27/12/2020

Help for underprivileged children in Palestine

Children are the hope of a people. Their mothers, those who today shape their destiny. In Palestine, due to the eternal conflict with Israel and the consequences of the pandemic, they need your help. We are the NGO "Building Bridges" with the mission is to contribute to peace in the Holy Land by supporting all those initiatives that promote solidarity, education and respect for human dignity.

€752 Raised

19 Teamers

Teamer since:  27/12/2020

Asociación de Apoyo al Pueblo Sirio

Desde el inicio de la guerra de Siria en 2011, 6 millones de personas se han visto desplazadas de sus hogares en el interior del país y más de 13 millones están necesitadas de ayuda humanitaria, siendo la AAPS la única asociación española en proporcionar esta ayuda en el interior de Siria. Mediante el envío de contenedores con material proveniente de toda España, y proyectos como la "Escuela Esperanza", continuamos intentando cubrir las necesidades de los desplazados sirios. ¿Quieres ayudarnos?

€83 Raised

2 Teamers

Teamer since:  27/12/2020

Save de Dog Espana

Salviamo cani dalla soppressione in spagna dove vengo barbaricamente uccisi in camere a gas o gettati vivi negli inceneritori, li riscattiamo , li mettiamo in pensione , li rimettiamo in sesto, facciamo ogni tipo di esame necessario, li facciamo vaccinare e castrare per poi farli in adozione . Un spagna ogni anno vengono sterminati milioni di cani , torturati e poi uccisi , fino a che le leggi non cambiano questo è L'unico modo per salvarli

€1,006 Raised

25 Teamers

Teamer since:  27/12/2020

Un gest de calor

Un gesto de calor nace en Barcelona de la mano de Isabela y Mònica, después de acudir a la isla de Lesbos en 2016 para auxiliar a personas refugiadas que llegaban a Europa. Desde entonces una red de voluntarios que no están dispuestos a verlo solo por televisión siguen llevando proyectos de acción directa y sin intermediarios en campos de refugiados de Grecia, Irak, el Líbano y el Sáhara Occidental. Hoy, centradas especialmente en Afganistán. Te unes a nosotr@s?

€230 Raised

2 Teamers

Teamer since:  27/12/2020

Solidario Refugiados. Psicólogos

Estamos empezando una nueva manera de ayudar directamente los refugiados en Grecia. Tu donación ayudará una familia de refugiados salir de la miseria del campo. Mandamos el dinero directamente a ellos, sin nada de gastos en medio . Cada euro va a ayudar los refugiados independizarse de su situación inaguantable. Únete!

€1,791 Raised

60 Teamers

Teamer since:  27/12/2020

Habibi Center

We are a small nonprofit association established in Spain as Asociación Española Habibi Center ( We have been working in Greece since 2016 providing a safe space where refugee youth can participate in various educational activities through the English language (as well as preparing them for official Cambridge exams). In this space, our students also learn to express themselves and to acquire the tools necessary to obtain a brighter future.

€82 Raised

1 Teamers

Teamer since:  27/12/2020

Refugee Help

With the increase of boats arriving in Lesbos (Greece), many young refugees are being forced to leave the island, due to overpopulation and the conditions in which they live there. All of them underprivileged by law and without any entity that guarantees their safety. We want to make a call for humanitarian aid for those people who are fleeing armed conflicts, and provide them minimal economic support to start, again, a life far from danger.

€1,158 Raised

31 Teamers

Teamer since:  27/12/2020

Aiuta un gatto greco

Seguiamo diverse colonie feline a Paros, Grecia, dove ci sono moltissimi randagi. Siamo impegnati soprattutto a sterilizzarne e curarne il più possibile. Un piccolo aiuto da parte di molte persone può davvero fare la differenza.

€61 Raised

2 Teamers

Teamer since:  19/08/2021

Wave of Hope for the Future

We are a network of self-organized schools run by refugees for refugees. In 2019 we started a school in Moria camp and now currently running 5 schools in Greece and 1 in Afghanistan that provide English, French, German, Greek language classes as well as Guitar, Art laboratory and kid activities to over 4000 refugees. Please help us continuing our mission to support our communities and show the world how talented and motivated refugees can be.

€251 Raised

33 Teamers

Teamer since:  23/10/2023

Apoyo al pueblo palestino

Nuestra misión en la Fundación CAPP , es aliviar la pobreza de los palestinos más pobres a través de operaciones de asistencia de emergencia, acciones continuas y programas de desarrollo económico y social. Trabajamos incansablemente a favor del pueblo Palestino con el único objetivo: desarrollar una solidaridad al servicio de los más vulnerables en colaboración directa con nuestros socios locales.

€138 Raised

50 Teamers

Teamer since:  17/03/2024

Población refugiada de Palestina: Emergencia humanitaria en Gaza

Desde hace más 7 décadas, UNRWA ha sido la encargada de garantizar los Derechos Fundamentales de 5,9 millones de personas refugiadas de Palestina. En respuesta a la emergencia, estamos en terreno y solamente UNRWA tiene la capacidad y el alcance de proporcionar el apoyo humanitario que necesitan de inmediato. ¡Ayúdanos!

€45 Raised

24 Teamers

Teamer since:  17/03/2024

Scholarships for Afghan kids refugees in Pakistan

Afghan families threatened with death had to flee after the Taliban came to power. While they wait for an appointment at the embassies to be able to go to a safe country, their children are out of school and without being able to socialize , because they are not accepted by the public system. PH pays €260 per child enrolled in school per year (academic expenses in private schools and uniform), we want to help 50 children. Can you help us? We need €13,000 every year.