Gabriele Westenberger

Gabriele Westenberger


Teamer in 13 Gruppi

Dona ogni mese: 13 € a 13 Gruppi

Da 16-07-2019 ha contribuito 544 €

Gruppi ai quali partecipo


18.963 € Totale raccolto

470 Teamer

Teamer da:  16/07/2019

Frieden für Pfoten- Peace 4 paws e.V.

Meist sind es die Schwächsten und Wehrlosesten, Kranke und Behinderte, die in Krisengebieten am meisten leiden. Das gilt auch für Tiere. Unsere Organisation möchte ihr Elend lindern, widmet sich den Härtefällen, den kranken, verletzten Tieren, die in ihrem Heimatland keinerlei Chance auf Vermittlung haben.Unser Ziel ist die Unterstützung von Partnerorganisationen und privaten Helfern vor Ort, die Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe. Dabei brauchen wir Ihre Hilfe !

5.067 € Totale raccolto

115 Teamer

Teamer da:  21/07/2019


Here you support a project that helps strays in Germany. We take care of the forgotten cats that unfortunately also exist in Germany. We provide food, finance castrations and necessary veterinary treatments. There are fixed feeding points that are regularly supported and, if finances make it possible, individual emergency fur!

11.265 € Totale raccolto

219 Teamer

Teamer da:  27/07/2019

Help for stray animals in Greece

Hello my dears! As you have already read more often, Eri moves as a single fighter in the mountains in northern Greece day after day quite incredible things and can not be discouraged by difficult conditions. We want to support here and buy food or needed medicines. That's why we need you!

7.526 € Totale raccolto

198 Teamer

Teamer da:  19/11/2019

Triantafyllia Petrou

Triantafyllia has a small shelter in Greece and works tirelessly to expand it. Meanwhile, there is a fence and huts for the dogs, but each month the concerns about food and veterinary costs remain the same. Here we would like to support a bit. You can do that with only one euro a month!

4.270 € Totale raccolto

104 Teamer

Teamer da:  10/08/2020

Athens Stray Kittens

A voluntary initiative based in Athens, Greece, in order to limit the number of stray cats living in terrible circumstances in the streets of Athens. Our mission is to conduct TNR (Trap/Neuter/Return)-programs and to find a loving home in Europe for the cats that won't survive outside, for example due to health issues, disabilities.

3.061 € Totale raccolto

54 Teamer

Teamer da:  31/01/2021

A team Rehoming Group

Para quién recaudo dinero The 27th of August we started a project" rehoming feral kittens". This is now the third part!!In a small wooden house( now a shelter) i rehabilitate kittens till they get over , and thanks to all of you we find families and get the resources we need to pay all the expenses. Wonderful people helping together..we are now "a big family.

15.188 € Totale raccolto

468 Teamer

Teamer da:  12/05/2021

Hilfe für die Tiere von Rüsselheim e.V.

Rüsselheim e.V. ist ein im Jahr 2009 gegründeter Verein, der es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat sogenannte "Nutztiere" zu retten und ihnen ein würdevolles Leben zu ermöglichen. Bei fast 1600 Schweinen, Rindern, Schafen, Ziegen, Hühnern, Kaninchen und anderen Tieren, ist es eine gewaltige Aufgabe die monatlichen Kosten für den Unterhalt zu stemmen. Wir würden uns sehr freuen, wenn Du uns dabei helfen würdest, diesen tollen Verein zu unterstützen.

1.727 € Totale raccolto

59 Teamer

Teamer da:  17/11/2021

Claudia Simonsen - Igelhilfe Ahrensburg

Claudia Simonsen has been helping hedgehogs for the last 10 years. She pays everything on her own with no association behind her. With injured hedgehogs she visits a vet with an excellent knowledge of these animals - but the bills are paid by herself. With this group we want to help her with the financial part, so she can concentrate on the animals and their recovery. Because her aim is to set them all free again.

5.609 € Totale raccolto

337 Teamer

Teamer da:  16/12/2021

Gatti in difficoltà Azerbaijan

Sabir viene dall'Azerbaigian e, come disoccupato con una grave operazione al cuore alle spalle, ha già salvato innumerevoli gatti insieme alle sue due figlie e sua moglie, anche se lui stesso ha solo i soldi per mangiare. Aggiungono regolarmente nuovi gatti ai 40 di cui si occupano, sia adulti che gattini, che salvano dalle strade e dalla gente crudele. La famiglia è grata per ogni donazione, perché ogni euro conta per i gatti!

7.120 € Totale raccolto

285 Teamer

Teamer da:  30/12/2021

Vrouva Farm, Greece, Animal Sanctuary

Vrouva Farm is a safe haven for old, abandoned and abused animals on the island of Aegina, Greece. Alexia Papagianni says:"We don't care about different species but are one caring community." On the farm, cows and chicks, dogs and cats, horses and donkeys and many more live together peacefully - at least, most of the time, small communication troubles pending ;-)

831 € Totale raccolto

33 Teamer

Teamer da:  16/04/2022

Tierhilfe Niederrhein e.V.

Unsere Arbeit für den Schutz der Tiere ist vielseitig: Wir kümmern uns um ausgesetzte und misshandelte Tiere. Denen möchten wir möglichst ein neues und gutes Zuhause vermitteln. Auch das Einfangen und Kastrieren von wilden Katzen gehört zu unseren Aufgaben. Zurzeit füttern wir an 8 verschiedenen Stellen über 150 verwilderte Katzen.

2.759 € Totale raccolto

151 Teamer

Teamer da:  16/07/2022 Second Chance Animal Rescue Society

Help us to help more animals! SCARS is an organization in Athens, helping mainly cats but we will help any any other animal in need. Our goal and dream is spaying and neutering stray cats (sometimes we manage to do 100 cats per month), we take under our care special need animals (blind, deaf, three legged etc) and many times these animals require very expensive surgeries. All our cat colonies need montly support of food (we feed more than 700 street cats). Every euro counts, so we can help

2.526 € Totale raccolto

179 Teamer

Teamer da:  06/04/2023

Gnadenhof Tierchenpark e.V.

Der Gnadenhof Tierchenpark e.V. ist ein kleiner Gnadenhof für Kaninchen aller Größen, der sich auch zum Ziel gesetzt hat, Kaninchen eine Stimme zu geben. Zu uns kommen Tiere, die krank, gehandicapt, aus schlechter Haltung oder einfach nicht mehr gewollt sind. Sie erfahren oft erstmalig in ihrem Leben Liebe, Fürsorge und medizinische Versorgung, und das, rund um die Uhr. Als kleiner Verein sind wir immer auf Spenden angewiesen, vor allen Dingen für Tierarztkosten, Medikamente und Futter.