Friends For Second Hand Paws

Friends For Second Hand Paws

6  Teamers
593 € raccolto

FFSHP is an organisation that helps dogs in need in Romania, they organise foodtransports, rescues and they try to find new homes for the hopeless dogs that live on the streets or in shelters in Romania. They are the voice for those that would go unheard, unseen and unloved. These dogs find a new life and a chance at true happiness, thanks to FFSHP and of course with YOUR support :)

Progetto che sosteniamo

FFSHP hondjes

Friends For Second Hand Paws

Voor alle honden (en de enkele katjes ook) waar Sylvia zich over ontfermt.

Pubblicato il

Cifra raccolta

Totale raccolto:
593 €
Fino ad ora abbiamo donato:
511 €
Cifra raccolta per il progetto
82 €
Elenco dei contributi


Data di pubblicazione

Difesa degli animali


Condividi sulle tue reti social

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