Francesca Carlotta Garioni

Francesca Carlotta Garioni


Teaming manager de 1 Grupos

Cada mes aporta: 1 € a 1 Grupos

Desde el 11-07-2022 ha aportado 31 €

Grupos que lidera


366 € Recaudados

23 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  11/07/2022

S.O.S. Randagi

The S.O.S. Randagi, is a non-profit voluntary organization, registered as an ODV in the Lombardy Region Volunteer Register since 1998 and in the Single National Register of the Third Sector since 2021. The S.O.S. Randagi is made up exclusively of volunteers and, through self-financing and the offers received, it has the following aims: Promote adoptions; Disseminate the culture of animal welfare; Raise public awareness of stray dogs.