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Update of the cause
Sally Henderson , Teaming Manager, on 19/04/2024  at 14:35h

And a huge thankyou to Vitakraft who have sent us a very generous donation of food and treats for our lovely cats - a huge box arrived at my house last week!

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Update of the cause
Sally Henderson , Teaming Manager, on 19/04/2024  at 14:32h

The proud and very happy mum

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Update of the cause
Sally Henderson , Teaming Manager, on 19/04/2024  at 14:32h

The proud and very happy mum

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Update of the cause
Sally Henderson , Teaming Manager, on 19/04/2024  at 14:32h

more photos

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Update of the cause
Sally Henderson , Teaming Manager, on 19/04/2024  at 14:31h

Well look at these photos - what a difference a few days make!!!Our gorgeous Mummy cat Orla and her little kittens are doing so well with their fabulous foster family. The babies are really filling out, and their eyes open. Orla is happy, relaxed and definitely now fully enjoying her maternity leave! We think she looks very proud.

If you could offer a small area of your home to a cat or kittens or dog, please do get in touch! ( Mirepoix / Limoux / Carcassonne and surrounding areas) Kitten season is now very much upon us and without more fosters we cant take on more cases. We have animals (cats and dogs) waiting at the moment for a secure place.

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Update of the cause
Sally Henderson , Teaming Manager, on 11/04/2024  at 19:01h

❗️Emergency rescue yesterday evening.❗️ Mum and 5/6 day old babies, born in a shopping bag (of all places) in a walled garden in Limoux.
Sadly 2 kittens had already passed away when we arrived.
We feel so pleased and relieved to have them safe now.
They are going to their very excited new foster family in the morning and will be ready for adoption in 8-9 weeks, along with beautiful Mummy, once she is sterilised!
She has absolutely melted in the very short time she has been back. Relaxing, feeding and cleaning her beautiful babies and getting in all those extra calories she so desperately needed.
Thanks to all your support via our Teaming page we can use our funds to help this little family

Sally Henderson , Teaming Manager, on 11/04/2024  at 19:02h

Well done Polly for stepping in and helping these gorgeous little kittens and their mum!

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Update of the cause
Sally Henderson , Teaming Manager, on 28/02/2024  at 18:22h

Look at Bella and Molly - our beautiful mother and daughter duo. They were part of our trap and release sterilisation programme we have been working hard on for the last 4 months! Bella was the first cat we trapped and sterilised back in October, we knew immediately she needed to have a loving home , there was no way she would be returned and was quickly adopted.
Some time passed and we eventually trapped her mum, Molly. She was much more timid having spent longer fending for herself and not having close human contact, but with patience , kindness and love it has all changed! Bella's wonderful family couldn't resist reuniting mum and daughter , so they are now adopted together and blissfully happy, living the dream, and their old life is now a distant memory.

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Update of the cause
Sally Henderson , Teaming Manager, on 28/02/2024  at 18:21h

Our foster families are so incredibly important to us, they are a central part of the association and without them we grind to a halt. A massive thank you to Claudie and her husband, they recently fostered little Moumoune. She is now adopted and settled into her new forever home. Thank you Claudie and Guillaume for the temporary safe haven they have given Moumoune before she moved to her permanent home. If you could offer a temporary home for a little kitty or a pooch please dont hesitate to get in touch!

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Update of the cause
Sous La Lune Association
Sous La Lune Association, Teaming Manager, on 20/10/2023  at 12:54h

Dear Sous La Lune Supporters,

We are thrilled to share some heart warming news about our recent progress in making a positive impact on the lives of our feline friends!

Sterilising the Feral Colony: Thanks to your unwavering support, we have successfully sterilized a significant portion of the feral cat colony in the last 2 weeks. This vital step will help ensure a healthier, more stable future for these precious creatures.

Rehoming Success Stories: We're overjoyed to announce that several cats from the colony have been given a second chance at life. They've been rehomed to caring families where they are cherished and loved every single day.

Bella's Remarkable Transformation: One story that truly touches our hearts is Bella's. Bella, who once roamed the streets as a feral cat, now revels in the love and affection of her forever family. Her life has been transformed from a daily struggle to a life filled with warmth, comfort, and adoration.

We couldn't have achieved these milestones without your generosity and unwavering support. Your commitment to our cause makes it all possible, and we are deeply grateful for each and every one of you.

Let's continue working together to make a difference in the lives of animals like Bella and the entire feral cat colony. Your support truly changes lives.

Stay tuned for more updates and heart warming stories from Sous La Lune! ❤️

With endless gratitude,
The Sous La Lune Team

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Update of the cause
Sous La Lune Association
Sous La Lune Association, Teaming Manager, on 06/10/2023  at 08:38h

Sous La Lune Charity Update

Dear Supporters,

We hope this message finds you well and filled with the same passion for animal welfare that drives us at Sous La Lune.

Our Next Mission: Sterilising a Feral Colony in Limoux

In the charming town of Limoux, a feral cat colony has been brought to our attention. Currently comprising 11 cats, this colony is growing at an alarming rate. As we know, cats reproduce quickly, and without intervention, the situation can quickly spiral out of control.

✨ The Importance of Sterilization ✨

Sterilisation is a humane and effective solution to curb the population explosion among feral cats. By spaying and neutering these cats, we not only prevent the suffering of countless kittens but also improve the overall health and well-being of the entire colony.

Why is this mission crucial?
Prevents unnecessary suffering: Uncontrolled breeding leads to malnourished and sickly kittens who often face a grim future on the streets.
Promotes a healthier environment: Fewer feral cats mean less predation on local wildlife, protecting the local ecosystem.
❤️ Encourages responsible pet ownership: By setting an example, we inspire others to take responsibility for their pets and address the feral cat issue at its root.

How You Can Help

Your support is vital in making this mission a success:

Spread the Word: Share our mission on social media and encourage others to get involved.
Volunteer: If you're in the Limoux area, join our team on the ground.
Foster: Consider providing temporary shelter for cats during their recovery.
Adopt: If you're looking for a feline friend, adopt a sterilised cat and give them a forever home.
Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of these cats and the Limoux community. Let's work towards a future where all animals have the chance to live happy, healthy lives.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our cause, your monthly donation will be going directly into this fund. With your help, we can bring about positive change one mission at a time.

Warmest regards,
Sous La Lune - Charity Team

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Update of the cause
Sous La Lune Association
Sous La Lune Association, Teaming Manager, on 21/09/2023  at 12:20h

Latest Developments at Sous La Lune - Helping the Little Cat Family

Dear Teamers and Animal Lovers,

We hope this message finds you well and filled with warmth in your hearts. At Sous La Lune, we are excited to share with you the latest updates, where hope and compassion continue to shine.

The Tale of Mama and Her Kittens

Recently, we welcomed a precious little cat family into our shelter. Mama, a loving and resilient mother, along with her adorable 3 kittens, were sadly abandoned and left to fend for themselves, but thanks to your support, they found their way to Sous La Lune, where a brighter future awaits.

Mama's Journey to Sterilization

Mama, our courageous feline queen, is on her way to a healthier and safer life. We are in the process of sterilising her, ensuring that she won't have to suffer the hardships of motherhood again. Your generosity is making this vital procedure possible, protecting Mama's well-being.

Finding Loving Homes for Mama and Her Kittens

Our mission is to secure loving and forever homes for Mama and all her kittens. With your help, we will provide them with vaccinations, microchips, flea and worm treatments, and nutritious food to ensure they are prepared for their new beginnings.

Join Us as a Teamer

We believe that together, we can do so much more. By becoming a Teamer for only one euro a month, you can make a lasting difference in the lives of animals like Mama and her kittens. Your support is a lifeline for those who rely on us for safety, care, and love.

How to Become a Teamer

Sign up with just one euro a month.
Share this message with your friends and family, encouraging them to join our cause.
Together, we can extend our reach to help countless animals like Mama and her kittens, who desperately need our support. Sous La Lune is fuelled by your kindness, and with your continued support, we can give more animals the chance for a better life.

Thank you for being a part of our journey to make the world a kinder place for animals in need.

With love and gratitude,
The Sous La Lune Team

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Update of the cause
Sous La Lune Association
Sous La Lune Association, Teaming Manager, on 02/02/2022  at 19:29h

Our latest cause is focusing on the growing feral cats populations, this is something that can not be ignored. A female cat can fall pregnant at just 4 months of age, having up to 3 litters a year, of 1-8 kittens each litter! You can quickly see how things can get out of hand and huge suffering begins.
Our aim is to get ahead of suffering, as an association we are nearly always on the receiving end, picking up the heartbreaking pieces, but with our CATCH - STERILISE- RELEASE project we can stop the suffering before it has begun. This allows cats to have their treatment and within a short period of time they can be back to their lives again. Immediately reproduction is stopped, stopping the cats fighting over females, in turn drastically reducing injuries like absesses caused from fighting. Therefore reducing infection rates and the spread of fatal diseases such as FIV ( feline HIV)
For this process we rely 100% on your help and others joining our teaming group.
We thank each and every one of you for your support and will continue to update you step by step on our journey to happier and healthier lives, for all animals great and small.
Thank you.
Team Sous La Lune

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