S.A.R Altiplano

Teamers: 7

Raised: €1

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1 Comment
Update of the cause
Elizabeth Rhone
Elizabeth Rhone, Teaming Manager, on 08/02/2023  at 17:46h

“Help Us Build A Safe & Secure Rescue Centre”

This fundraiser to urgently raise funds for P.A.U Dog Rescue Huescar in Granada. They've been saving the lives of hundreds of stray, abandoned, neglected and abused dogs for years, but have been doing so in extremely difficult surroundings with only an old pig farm as their shelter. The building is not fit for purpose, there is no insulation and no heating. The floors are cold, bare concrete with open grates that the dogs frequently catch their paws in. The roofs are sheet metal. There's very little daylight due to a lack of windows and the pens are not fully secure meaning that many of the dogs cannot even be contained properly. The water is so dirty that it cannot even be used to wash bedding, let alone give as drinking water. In winter, it's absolutely freezing and the water supply freezes. The rescue had previously managed to raise funds to purchase a plot of land nearby, but have not been able to progress with their plans for the new shelter as they do not have the necessary building materials or the funds to purchase them. Your donations will help purchase the necessary materials so that they can start the building works.

Elizabeth Rhone
Elizabeth Rhone, Teaming Manager, on 14/03/2024  at 12:11h

As we have recently announced on our Facebook Page and in our Facebook Group - P.A.U Dog Rescue Huescar has now secured the support of the local councils to fund a new shelter for them. Therefore S.A.R Altiplano will no longer be allocating any funds to this specific project.

Any funds already donated to this specific cause will instead be allocated to sterilization of the remaining dogs of P.A.U.

Thank you all for your support :-)

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.