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Update of the cause
Mattia Emma
Mattia Emma, Teaming Manager, on 10/02/2022  at 17:53h

I am really happy the continous engagement of our donors, which have enabled us to gather enough money to cover the school fees for one complete year for one student. Adding up to contributions reaching us through other platforms and private donors, in the last three years we were able to sustain partially and fully 22 students, 16 of which came from the Kakuma Refugee Camp and became part of the Irene School family. Thank you really much for all your contributions and support!!
Grazie mille per gli incoraggiamenti e il supporto degli ultimi anni, continueremo sempre meglio!
Danke sehr für eure beständige unterstützung and hilfe!

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.
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Update of the cause
Mattia Emma
Mattia Emma, Teaming Manager, on 26/02/2021  at 11:13h

Dear all,
we are making great progresses thanks to all your donations. We started sustaining three girls two years ago, in Maralal, Kenya. Today we are sustaining over 20 in kenya and just started with 2 in Tanzania.
It is with great joy that i announce to you that we are planning to help more students coming from Kakuma refugee camp at the border between Kenya and South Sudan. Your steady contribution is making that possible.
Please continue helping us and reaching out to as many people as possible.

Un saluto a tutti voi,
Grazie mille per il vostro impegno e aiuto negli ultimi due anni. Siamo passati dal sostenere tre ragazze a poterne mandare a scuola più di 20 in kenya e due in tanzania. A breve inizieremo un progetto per portare a scuola ragazze provenienti dal camp profughi di Kakuma al confine fra kenya e sud sudan.
Grazie mille per il vostro contributo e continuiamo a spargere la voce!!

Danke sehr an alle,
dank euch sind wir in den letzen 2 jahren sehr gewachsen. Wir haben mit der sponsorisierung von drei Mädchen in Maralal angefangen und haben es mittlerweile geschafft 20 Mädchen in die Schule zu bringen und 2 in Tanzania. Danke sehr für eure stätige hilfe und engagement.
Wir hoffen dass wir immer mehr werden um immer mehr helfen zu können.

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.
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1 Comment
Mattia Emma
Mattia Emma, Teaming Manager, on 27/10/2019  at 18:58h

Volevo ringraziarvi tutti. Abbiamo invitato molte persone, ma solo voi avete deciso di sostenerci con questa piccola offerta mensile. Grazie da parte mia e delle 20 ragazze che con questi 18€ al mese potranno avere tre pasti assicurati. Speriamo di aumentare per contribuire ancora di più!

Anita Di Cesare, Teamer, on 28/10/2019  at 11:08h

Speriamo, dai!

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.
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