Teaming - 1€/month micro donations

Traducció en Beta. Ajuda'ns a millorar

The Soi Dog Foundation

Teamers: 108

Recaptat: 1 €

Aquest fòrum és únicament pels Teamers i Teaming Managers del Grup.

Si ets del Grup, accedeix al teu perfil Teaming

1 comentari
Dubte sobre la causa
Paula Kosunen
Paula Kosunen, Teamer, el 14/01/2016  a les 17:24h

I would like to know if this the official teaming group for the Soi Dog Foundation?
I am asking this because I could not find any information on the foundations website about this group... I am also wondering about the lack of introduction in English and the lack of a link to the foundations website or Facebook page.

Paula Kosunen
Paula Kosunen, Teamer, el 22/03/2016  a les 14:19h

Hello, could I please get an answer to my question?

Aquest fòrum és únicament pels Teamers i Teaming Managers del Grup.