Teaming - 1€/month micro donations

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Malaga Dog Rehoming

Teamers : 23

Récolté : 1 €

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Actualisation sur la cause
Inez Robinson
Inez Robinson, Teaming Manager, le 15/04/2024  à 08:46h

I really want to thank you all for your support. Rescue life is up and down, and suddenly Im struggling to pay the kennels but this is an absolute lifeline. Ill be using 111 euros towards Reys kennel fees for last month :), Thank you

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Un commentaire
Inez Robinson
Inez Robinson, Teaming Manager, le 31/10/2022  à 09:56h

Tandi starting to learn how to be a free dog :) She gets spayed friday. Currently in Cordoba

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Actualisation sur la cause
Inez Robinson
Inez Robinson, Teaming Manager, le 31/10/2022  à 09:49h

Just to let you all know Donna went on a trail saturday. Its all looking good and shes very much behaving herself. I really hope this works out as its so perfect for her :) This will leave Noa in residence close to me and new girl Tandi who is in Cordoba where its a lot cheaper. Tandi gets spayed friday and Ill owe around 100 euros to Inma who is looking after her :) I do have a video which Im going to try to send here too :)

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