Teaming - 1€/month micro donations

Traducció en Beta. Ajuda'ns a millorar

Gouves Animal Shelter

Teamers: 68

Recaptat: 1 €

Actualització de com va la causa
craig rogerson
craig rogerson, Teaming Manager, el 02/11/2023  a les 12:49h

we are very grateful for the donations, i will be withdrawing some money to transfer to the shelter. this money is much needed at this time of year, as the summer season is over and we have less visitors. So donations drastically drop, so i want to thank you all for donating it means a lot, even if its a little. And please spread the word, if you know other teamers that would like to join our cause!

Aquest fòrum és únicament pels Teamers i Teaming Managers del Grup.
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