Teaming - 1€/month micro donations

Traducció en Beta. Ajuda'ns a millorar

Tierhilfe Bruno e.V.

Teamers: 84

Recaptat: 1 €

Actualització de com va la causa
Sharon Smith
Sharon Smith, Teaming Manager, el 09/06/2019  a les 14:54h

Tierhilfe Bruno e.V. is a young registered association that aims to improve the lives and quality of life of dogs in Romania. On-site help in Romania is in the foreground for us. We financially support the Bruno Shelter which has about 120 dogs with maintenance of the shelter, as well as with all the regular costs such as food, veterinary care and castrations.

Aquest fòrum és únicament pels Teamers i Teaming Managers del Grup.
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